
Status: And I just want to tell you, it takes everything in me not to call you ♥
Joined: March 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: October 25
user id: 280347
Location: Illinois(:
Gender: F
Hey(: My name is Mia(: as in (Mee-ahthanks for stopping by gorgeous♥ Do you know what I think? You are beautiful. And I'm not just saying that. I believe everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. And that is the truth. Yeah my life is rough but that doesn't mean I'm not here for you. I'm ALWAYS here for you♥♥ Just leave a comment and I will get back to you always♥

(+) Indie Rock, Screamo, Alternative. MUSIC THAT SPEAKS TO ME♥ I like people that stand up for what they believe in. I'm a sucker for gorgeous eyes♥ Bisexual 

(-) BULLYING I hate it. I'm just so sick and tired of it. I know it will never change unless we take a stand. 
123,083 TOGETHER WE STAND♥ You take the stand too if you already haven’t. http://www.standtogether.us/Stand_Together.html < that is the site♥♥♥

imperfectlyokay@yahoo.com < that advice account helped me so much. if you need advice/venting I suggest that is where you go.

I've been hospitalized 6 times and partially 7 times.
ED Cutter Depression Anxiety 
Bipolar Disorder. </3

^^^It would mean the world to me if you like this page on facebook^^

This is me in 2011 in the beginning of 8th grade. I was 13. This is a fake smile beacuase I knew I wasn't okay after my first time in treament in 7th grade. I faked it out because I had no interest in getting better. I was forced to go to treatment.

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This is me at my 8th grade graduation. Now I'm 14. Its actually a real smile(: So that's why I'm proud of it. Because it was after 2 years of treament and I was feeling great. I graduate with C's but that was beacuse I was gone for most of the time
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This is me, it was taken in October2012. I'm 15 now.  After 8th grade was over I went into treatment again 4 times due to suicidal ideations, fainting because of my eating disorder and cutting. My summer was tough and hell. I now fake a smile again (The person on the right is my sister)
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It was pitch black when I took this picture so I put my flash on the brightest it could go, I wanted to show you my grey eyes. It's creepy to think that my eyes change brown to grey only on certain nights.
                                                                            Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Quotes by MiaOhMia


I'm caught in the middle between to most amazing people everrr!!!!! omg, let me tell you about them, then can you say which one you would go for??? please?!

Well, we've dated before but she ended up hurting me. But she never stopped loving me, we've said goodbye a lot like 4  times, but we always came back for each other. She was my summer love, and I deeply care about her still. She told me she stilll loves me and she is amazing and makes me happy.

He is like me best guy friend, we have dated before also, but i  would always end it because i get afraid of hurting him, he tells me he cares and I have no idea how I feel about him, he says he really likes me. And he is amazing also.
Sitting in her room
alone in the corner,
listening to her thoughts,
over and over

She thinks, "Why me?" 
"Did I do something wrong?"
She isn't okay,
she lies to her mom

She is in tears now.
Trickling down her cheeks
She plays a scene,
when they called her a freak.

"I'm not good enough." 
"So why am I still here?"
"Nobody loves me, nobody cares."
So she sits there alone for a couple of hours.

Until she hears the door open,
it was her father.
She puts a smile on her face,
no trace of mistakes.

She says, "Hey daddy, how was your day?"
If someone breaks your heart, punch them in the face and go get some icecream.
How am I suppose to breathe? The more I live, it's killing me.
I'm sick of this town
Sick of my Job
Sick of my friends because everyone's jaded
Sick of this town because it's bringing me down
I'm so frustraded 
I just wanna Jump 
I wrote a poem for my english class today. It had to be about a "Life Changing Event" I want to share it with you guys. Please feel free to tell me what you guys think(:
I remember that breezy September day oh so very crystal clearly. That one day that I felt so weak, miserable, and weary.
I now do not deny that my once content world was crashing down and falling apart. I finally decided to sew, mend, and fix my shattered glass heart.
I spoke a couple words, with teary filled eyes. My body was shaking as someone finally heard my pleading cries.
They never judged a single statement that I said, instead they lent a warm hand and told me “I am not your worst enemy; I am your best friend.”
I went back to my life with an enormous grin on my face. I no longer believed that I was alone, mislead, and misplaced.
Now I’m finally hearing the sound of my own laughter. Could this finally be it? Have I at last found my happily ever after?  ~Mia

(please do not steal, I worked really hard on this)


Confession #1 

I'm trying to make myself not care about feelings, emotions, and stuff. It's not working. And the more I care the more I ger hurt...

I'm just going to do some confessions okay?
You don't have to read them, but if you do thank you ♥
Haven't been on witty for a long while, maybe a couple of weeks.
I almost died.


The best way to not to get your heartbroken
is to pretend you don't have one...