
Joined: October 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 225589

Miss_Lucyxxx's Favorite Quotes

 do you ever get so annoyed
at everything

that you start to get mad at even little things
like a spoon clinking against a bowl
or sounds of people talking?


Virginity is like a pencil. Once you give it to someone,
you're not getting it back.

1912: Dracula used to drink the blood of virgins.

2012: He died of thirst.


who else used to jump only on certain tiles
in the store because the other ones were made of lava?



Y o u   s i t   d o w n   a b o u t    t o   d o   y o u r   h o m e w o r k

B u t  y o u r  l a p t o p   w a l k s  i n   w e a r i n g   s e x y   l i n g e r i e   a n d   s e d u c e s   y o u

format by miss_unique/neversaynever16

person is typing...

person is typing...

person is typing...

person is typing...

person is typing...

person is typing...

person is typing...

person is typing...

person is typing...

person says...   hi

PLOT TWIST: That person is confessing their undying love to you; spilling their guts and finally getting the courage to tell you how you feel. Then they think, delete it all and type in that one word.


you're stuck in a place with no windows or doors, and you have to try and get out. All you have is a table and a mirror. The only way to get out is by making a hole.

You look in the mirror, you see what you see, you see what you saw, you make a see-saw. You take the see-saw, split the table in half and two halves make a whole (hole).


 Whenever you go to the doctors
 and the doctor asks you what's wrong
you turn to your mom
and she explains everything (:
♥ Fave if you do too ♥




Wife: Can you help me with the garden?
Husband: Do I look like a gardener?
Wife: Honey the toilets broken...
Husband: Do I look like a plumber?
(A few hours later after the husband gets off work and everything is fixed)
Husband: Did you fix all this?
Wife: No. The neighbors son came over and helped me. He said I had to either make him a burger or sleep with him.
Husband: You made him a burger, right?!
Wife: Do I look like Burger King?!