
Joined: April 17, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 166216
Gender: F

Let me be me.

Quotes by Mizsquirrelgirl

That *amazing* moment
When he likes your photo on Facebook

Yes, I do sing in the shower
Problem? :)



    When I was little, I thought R.I.P. meant rip

             So I asked my mom why we rip dead people


I wish they made a waterproof phone 
So I can text and take a shower
A t   t h e   s a  m e   t  i  m e 

So today, he took my hand and ran with me outside
He didn't say a word
He just took my hand and pulled me into the pouring rain
...and then he kissed me

Friends are like potatoes

If you eat them,

they die.

 People are like slinky's,
they're only amusing
if you push them down the stairs 

Your voice was the soundtrack of my Summer
Do you know youre unlike any other?
Youll always be my thunder
I said Your eyes are the brightest of all colors
I dont wanna ever love another
Youll always be my thunder<

Teacher: Okay write this down! *talks really fast*
Me: Yes I wrote it all down!
Teacher: No wait, I don't like that... here write this instead *talks really fast again*
Me: Are you freaking kidding me?!

Like if this has ever happened to you
Silly Rabbit 
Weed is for kids!

Wait what....

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