
Joined: May 15, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 109025
 I live in Italy.
My hobby's photography.
I'm addicted to Facebook.
I'm 16. 

Quotes by MonochromeTruth



We'd keep being best friends,
even if we were dating. We'd have 
long talks and laugh a lot. We'd take 
cute pictures and you'd tell me I was
You'd push me around playfully
and I'd play mad, and you'd apologize.
We'd be madly in love.

We talked for a while but then you started
avoiding me. Our friendship is pretty much gone
out the window now. We barely talk or laugh together.
We never take pictures and you never compliment me,
you push me around metaphorically and I'm actually mad.
We're nowhere near in love.

meet me in the
pouring rain
kiss me on the sidewalk,
take away
the pain.


You really don't see it, do you?
smile and laugh all day,
cry all night and know you can't do it anymore,
but then you wake up with strength.
That makes you a fighter,
but you don't see it, do you?


Her: So what're you up to?
Him: Well, just hoping the girl I'm in love with can take a hint.
Her: Oh...Well is it working?
Him: You tell me, is it? <3


And the butterflies I got around you
have turned into
shivers & anxiety.
The smiles, and stolen glances
have turned into frowns & tears.
Feelings fade and people change,
I knew it was
too good to be true.


I find it hard to believe
you don't know the beauty that you are,
but if you don't let me be your eyes.

One of those 
kind of days. :( 

Teenage Romance Mood Control:

Monday: I can't wait to see him!
Tuesday: Maybe we'll talk tomorrow...
Wednesday: I don't even want to talk about it.
Thursday: We talked! I'm so happy.
Friday: We're hanging out tonight, yayyy!
Saturday: He was with another girl.
Sunday: I hate my life.


I had no idea what they meant,

& Since I've met you,
it's that I-can't-wait-for-Monday-feeling.