
Joined: August 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 210260
Hey,Hey! It's me Elizabeth known as MusicIsMyWorld! <3 Follow me(; I'll follow back(; Thaanks <33
Hay,Hay,Haaayy!!! It's Elizabeth a typical 13 year old gurrl in the 8th grade last year in middle!! Blow out the candles on May 30th it's my BIRTHDAY!!! 
My Favriote Things to do on my free time are;Read,Music,Friends,Family,Laughing,Smiling,Taking pictures,Swimming,Going outside,Witty.
The book i'm reading right now is;The Nine Lives Of Chloe King(:
I love all kinds of MUSIC! Expt the 1's that suck!! Hahaha;p Wich i dont know what sucks ;p I would die without music! So,Yeaa.I don't know what too put down so here are random answers too my questions-
Whats my favriote Color;Pink,Purple,Green,Blue.
Favriote Band?;Paramore.
Favriote Televison Channel;Abc Family
Favriote Song;Misery Bussiness (Paramore)

Well anways I know your bored so I will go now and remeber all of you every singlwe 1 of you are beautiful!!! Follow me and I'll follow back but remeber be nice! <33

Uh....I dont know what to put in thus box.Uhhmmm mhmm.Oh I got and Idea what about... Family!

Mom;Could Not live with out her
Dad;He's my everything I lived with him just me and him for 7 years-
Kim;(dads gf)Shes a b**ch she.Is mean to all of us.
Evan;(brother)He's Awesome,Nice,Mean,Annyoing haha,
Doug;(My mom's husband)He's amazzinnggg I lovee him!
Hagar;(Puppy)He's my everything i would die without him ;p
Chuck(Guinea Pig)He has red eyes hes adorable and lovee himm sooo mucchhh

Welp now lets move onn-
Friends.And any thing else too write ;p

Dominique(DomiiRose) She's a close friend and tell her everything(:
Sam;(Sasambear6) She's just amaaaazzinnnggg!!
And my best friend ever!


I love music soo here are some band names I know that are AMMMAAZINNNGGG

Selena Gomez-
Taylor Swift-
Avril Lavigne-
Pink Floyd-
Asking Alexandria-
Hollywood Undead-
Chemical Romance-
Guns n roses-

And tons more!!!!!!

Music Phototextplay it loud
Music Graphics
Flashing Graphics
Flashing Graphics
Flashing Graphics
Music Graphics
Music Graphics
Music Graphics
Music Graphics
Music Graphics
Music Graphics

Comments by MusicIsMyWorld

MusicIsMyWorld 1 decade ago to Xx_BrokenInside_xX
show buttons

Oh hahaa.. Welp guess what your really pretty (;
MusicIsMyWorld 1 decade ago to Xx_BrokenInside_xX
show buttons

I love your profile (; Oh and i read your about me thingg. (;