
Joined: March 14, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 283733

Quotes by Musiclover22

Not going 0n this one anymore go to my other one LovingMusic22 :)

I put up walls to keep everyone out
but he came along and showed me
The walls,
The walls I've kept up since kindergarten
The walls even my parents couldn't knock down
Tumbled down when you showed me that someone can actually treat me with
Respect :)<3

I put up walls to keep everyone out
but he came along and showed me
The walls,
The walls I've kept up since kindergarten
The walls even my parents couldn't knock down
Tumbled down when you showed me that someone can actually treat me with
Respect :)<3

A picture is worth a thousand
A smile can hide a million 

Dear 11:11, wish chips, shooting stars and birthday candles

I wish for the same thing each time.
So why can't  I have it?
Is it because I'm wishing for something that won't come true?
Because I'm wishing for him?

Really hoping one day you'll listen to my wish.
Witty Girls and Guys I need advice.
I really like him a lot. We have gotten really close and we talk a lot.
In October he said he wasn't good enough for me and I need to find someone better
I couldn't move on.
We have a formal coming up
Should I ask him? Or should I just go with the flow and hope for the best?
Please help.
Thanks :)

He's perfect
You love talking to him
You love seeing him 
You joke with each other
You wish he could see you as more then a friend
You wake up hoping today he will
You always think about what you wear
You want him to love you 
like you love him. 
I never said a name did I?
But I know their's someone your thinking of while reading this
:) <3

He's loud
I'm quiet
He's athletic
I'm lazy
He's confident
I'm shy
But the way he looks at me
makes me have hope that
opposites can attract. :)
While watching "Soul Surfer" I asked 
what he would do if a shark attacked me?
his response,
"Fight the shark, get your arm back, sew it back on and continue surfing with you :)"
He made that movie better <3 :)
We talk :)
We joke :)
We tease :)
and as soon as you walk away
I always have this thought
"Why can't that just be enough?" :(