
Joined: March 13, 2011
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 158273


Quotes by NinaBelieber

  When I was younger,
I wanted to be older. Now that I'm older, I wanna be a kid again.
  Just remember,
girls can do anything boys can do and we can do it in High Heels.,
1. Name: Nina :)
2. Age: 15
3. Height: 5'5
4. Date of Birth: September 17
5. Eye Color: Green
6. Religion: catholic
7. Sexuality: straight.

8. Hair Color: brown
9. Eye Color: green
10. Weight: idk :D
11. Skin Tone: pale :(
12. Piercings/Tattoos: ears
13. Jewelry: my earings
14. Build: im a girl.

15. Funny or Serious? Funny.
16. Hard working or lazy? lazy :)
17. Flirty or reserved? reserved :S
18. What is the first thing people notice about your personality? that i'm shy..
19. Are you more caring or sympathetic? caring
20. Are you sporty, artistic, bookworm or sciency? bookworn 8)

Name The Last Person That...
44. Hugged you? Claudia.

45. Kissed you? Simon.
46. Thanked you? Mariam.
47. Flirted with you? Simon.
48. Insulted you? Mariam.
49. Made you laugh? Raffaela.
50. Made you cry? my mom ;o

57. Best friend?  Theresa
58. Crush? Simon.
59. Boyfriend? Simon.
60. dog? Bianca :3
61. Kiss? Simon.
62. Took steps? babyy

63. Do you own any brand shirts? yes
64. What languages do you know? german, english and latin
65. Do you like to sing? yes :33
66. Are you competitive? yeah
67. What are you afraid of? elevators & spiders
68. Who do you miss? My dad.
69. Are you a virgin? yes.
70. Do you like photography? yes :)  

Dear Boys,
if you want me to disappear, you are going to have to support her more than I do...
Sincerely, Her Bra. 

Hey Google,

why don't you let me finish what I'm typing
before you start guessing 

after one letter.

little cocky aren't 


 ten years ago,
 we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs.
Now we have no cash, no hope and no jobs.

  Please don't let

Kevin Bacon die.



is like peeing on yourself
 everyone can see it.

but only you get the warm

feeling that it brings.
