
Joined: November 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 135048 Layout by CoolChaser

Quotes by NoTommorow

Do you see that girl..
  Over in the back of the class room?
     The one with brown eyes?
        The one with scars on her arm?
           That one with a big secret hidden behind her fake smile?
Yupp, that'd be me.
Today someone asked me: If you could wish for one thing, what would it be?

My Reply: To see myself through someone else's eyes.
Today, I looked at myself,
               Like I was something ...DIFFERENT

I realized i was actually, Pretty.

Me:How Are You?
Raymond: Amazing now that I'm talking 2 you. What about you?
Me: Aww :] Blushing, and happy you said that ^-^
Raymond: What the truth [:?
Me: Awww :3
Raymond: You never answered my question. What about you?

~Two Loner Friends, Keeping Each other Happy~
Don't let the fear of striking out,
Keep you from playing the game.

 -Cinderella Story

He Kissed Me.
Then Left Me.
Forever in my misery
Dear Teacher,

 If you haven't already noticed...
We don't exactly quiet down when you ring that annoying bell.
It just makes us want to punch your annoying face.


Your Students [:





Back Wards  

Well aware it's not mine -,-

You said, You're not "Feeling" the relationship..


 What's your arm doing around that other girl?

For The Record
You're supposed to warn me.
That you're taking my heart.
And breaking it too.

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