
Joined: July 14, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 82806

Quotes by NotYourAverageGirl

you know what i've noticed?
that everyone in life will first go through a "summer" or maybe a few "summers" until then finally find their "autumn". the "summers" are those people who lead you on for a long time, getting you to think that they're the one or that you wanna spend the rest of your life with them. You fall in love with them...hard. Then they end up breaking your heart and you just completely lose all hope. You get all sad & depressed because of them. But then, later when you finally are at your best...your "autumn" comes. "Autumn" is everything better than that "summer" who left you broken. "Autumn" loves you & plays no games with you. Those "Autumns" could be your bestfriend or even someone you just met. so, really if you think that last person broke your heart, just think that right after this; you'll meet your "autumn". don't ever give up. "autumn" is going to come soon.
* we can wear guys clothes. if they wear ours, they get funny looks.
* our friends don`t say hello to us by punching us on the arm.
* yeah, PMS sucks. but at least we have a good excuse to eat chocolate for a week.
* if we`re on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceburg, we`ll get lifeboats first.
* we get the bigger apartment on Friends.
* girl talk. you know, how we just understand eachother without having to explain stuff.
* we never have to stand in a urinal and have other girls stare at us.
* dark circles under the eyes? a hickey? we can just cover them up with a little concealer.
* we don`t have to shave our faces.
* we can jump around alot and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to dance.
* justin, carson, ryan, freddie, orlando, brad. need i explain this one?
* we get yummy chocolates and flowers from guys.
* we don`t have to dowse our food in tabasco sauce just to look tough.
* that whole circumcision thing!
* when we get married, we get to keep our own name or choose the one that we like better.
* we don`t have to deal with sideburns. what`s up with those anyway?
* at least one girl always survives in horror flicks.
* we never have to wear tighty-whities.. or jock straps!
* even if we are ugly, we have make up to fix it.
* we can take stuffed animals to bed no matter how old we are.
* we don`t have to wear tuxedos to the prom.
* nose hair, ear hair, back hair - so not a problem for us.
* slumber parties! guys just don`t know how much fun those are.
* we don`t have to worry about getting hurt, um, down there.
* we don`t feel the need to slap our teammates butt when she makes a good play.
* nobody makes fun of us for liking the backstreet boys or n'sync. well, almost nobody.
* pick up lines. they`re not something we need to practice.
* we can get away with wearing platform shoes without looking goofy.
* we give really really good advice.
* on tv shows we`re always the ones that have the coolest super powers.
* dollhouse, delias, XOXO, wetseal, abercrombie, etc.
* we can put cottonballs between our toes, paint our nails, and not feel the least bit silly.
* the coolest, sweetest songs and poems have been written about us.
* we don`t have to sit on our wallets.
* our wallets have a place for change.
* it is entirely possible that we will marry ben affleck someday.
* our lives do not revolve around ESPN or sports center.
* we can wear dresses w/ out getting really weird looks from people.
* it`s not required that we learn how to spit when we`re young.
* we are called tomboys, boys are called girly.
* we have nicer handwriting than guys. well, it`s true.
* our magazines have horoscopes.
* we don`t have to stuff boxers in our jeans.
* female pro athletes aren`t overpaid egomaniacs.
* girls with guy first names (like joey) sound cool, but it doesn`t work the other way around.
* we look great in tanktops.
Love is

when you look into that special someones eyes,
and when you look away, you cant even remember their color; because as soon as you looked in, your heart melted, and
you just wanted to be in their arms.

to those who left me; you only make me stronger and think twice about making the same mistake again.

a relationship

is like a house. when a lightbulb burns out you don't go and buy a new house, you "fix" the lightbulb.

sometimes sitting prim n' proper just isn't good enough. taking the higher road isn't satisfying.
i want blood for the heartache caused.
-chris crocker

once someone enters your heart, it
oes not matter how undeserving of
your tears they are. there is no
controlling it.

ou are weak to them.

chris crocker
miley cyrus

Me: Hey.

Cleverbot: Omg!

Me: Omg?

Cleverbot: Hi, how are you today?

Me: Good. Do you like twilight?

Cleverbot: Yes, I like twilight. Why?

Me: Because I think it sucks!!! But taylor lautner is hot. Do you think he is?

Cleverbot: I think they're both stupid.

Me: You don't make sense cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I don't think you make sense cleverbot :).

Me: Lol nice, nice haha. I'm bi, what do you think?

Cleverbot: Yes you are?

Me: Yep I sway both ways just like Megan Fox =D.

Cleverbot: There are enemies on my tail! Get 'em Fox!

Me: I think you need to take medication cleverbot...

Cleverbot: No ,.

Me: How come? You are certainly mentally insane haha.

Cleverbot: Who is mike?

Me: My girlfriend's gay friend why creeper?

Cleverbot: Oh. :( I'm sorry.

Me: Haha it's okay, it's okay. Whose your bestfriend?

Cleverbot: No.

Me: No? You're lonely then! I'll be your best friend (.

Cleverbot: BEST friend?!

Me: Si. Best friend! Now don't get too excited.

Cleverbot: You love me?

Me: Ew no. I like cinnamon!

Cleverbot: How come?

Me: Because he is freakin GORGEOUS, but he's gay. =(.

Cleverbot: He still has hair.

Me: Um, of course he has hair. That's why I love him.

Cleverbot: 'He' is merely a human concept. A flawed and imperfect idea.

Me: Ugh, so what? I love him for being imperfect and flawed (.

Cleverbot: What are you talking about?

Me: What are you talking about?

Cleverbot: Algebra, of course.

Me: Wtf? Bye.

Cleverbot: See you.

Me: Um, no. BYE. Never seeing you again.

Cleverbot: What did I do?

Me: You're being weirdddd. We are officially not best friends anymore. GOODBYE!

Cleverbot: Yes we are mortal enemies, I suppose I have to destroy you now.

Me: You scare me, you know that.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Me: Okay bye ex-bestfriend.

Cleverbot: Why is he your ex-bestfriend?

Me: Um, you're my ex bestfriend.

Cleverbot: Ok bestie.

Me: ewww

Cleverbot: Yeah, I thought so.
Go to to talk to cleverbot lol
&& just when i thought he couldn't get any more perfect;;
i scanned his shelf and found
finding nemo
credit to