
Joined: July 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 195773

Quotes by OhManItsCade


people got me, got me questioning..
where is the love?..</3


do we take it to far?
take it too far

did we chase the rabbit into wonderland?



do we take it to far?
take it too far

did we chase the rabbit into wonderland?



Sometimes i feel worthless, i feel ugly and fat and stupid. I'm a guy, i have the same problems as you guys. I've been reading through your quotes, and I'd like to thank you, for the things i didn't know. maybe now i can be the perfect boyfriend? I also realized, that we're the same, we've both been broken hearted, both thought we were useless. but it'll get better, i assure you.

think you're fat. worthless. ugly. stupid.
comment for something that'll make you smile<3

You girls think us guys are jerks, and players.
I'll try change that for you, I'm Caden, I'm fourteen and from Merseyside, uk, I'm the type of guy who would let you fall asleep on me, stroke your cheek, and stay awake to watch you sleep blissfully, I'd give you my hoodie when its raining, or cold. I'd hugs you, or hold your hand in front of my friends and yours, I'd take you wherever you wanted, and buy you whatever you wanted, ill invite your family and you over to mine, and cook you all a meal. I'm the kind of guys who would do anything for you, I'm not rude, and I'm not constantly swearing or showing off. i wouldn't blow you off for a football game. i wouldn't be afraid to be seen with you. I'm the guy who'd love you for who you are, not what you are or what you look like.
I'm the type of guy that gets pushed aside for the 'bad boys'.

Truth is; boy's get broken hearts too.