
Joined: May 6, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 297857

OneDirection0's Favorite Quotes


Life is too short

to actually give a f*ck. 

Love is when

you leave your dog at home

for the whole day

and when you get back;

he is still happy to see you.


I'll be your Savannah;

 If you be my Jared. ♥

Format: twilightgirl995

Does anyone else. . . .

think it's extremely attractive;
when a guy talks about how he can do different types of braids in a girls hair?

follow for a follow?


I know it's
"bros before hoes" 

but she's not a hoe, and if you think she is, than you're not a bro.


Every girl wants a guy

who she can run up to with her hair in a mess,

no makeup on & the first thing he says to her is

"You're beautiful."



Wanting to break down and cry at school

But holding it all in, until you take a shower. 



crying at school <






I hope she breaks your heart,
the way you broke mine

Dear Boys, 

If a girl leans toward you: Kiss her.
If her hand is free: Hold it.
If she's upset: Hug her until she is okay.

Just: love her.  ♥