Joined: June 19, 2007
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 46137
heyyy, my name is paige & im 13. i dance everyday. my friends are my life i dont know what i would do without them. my boyfriend is pretty amazing + i love him more then anything in this world. im pretty random i love going on vacation and listening to music. i love meeting new people i want to know everything + anything i appreciate the simple things.

Quotes by PAIGE123

write me some love letters, so i can
keep every s i n g l e one of them ; ;
and r e a d them when im l o n e l y
i cant seem to come to terms to say
goodbye to you. & if we werent supposed to
fall inlove, then it was the most
beautiful mistake i ever made.
if i hadn't met you, i wouldnt be the
Person I Am Today.
iT's sorTa LiKe one oF THose FeeLinGs;
the ones where you get the - - - »» good kind of :;
_ _ goosebumps in 90 degree weather. you sit there
thinking about him and you can't help but smile
whenever you see him. the need to kiss him takes x your breath away*. you`d rather spend the rest of your life sitting there with him than winning the lottery or becoming famous because when you're there with him,you have everything you really need
summer 2007
where the temperature isn't the only
thing getting hottt (;
a good friend will talk with you about a boy your thinking about. but a bestfriend will blurt out "she likes you and wants to bang you." right to his face
I thought love was just a mirage of the mind;
it's an illusion, it's fake, impossible to find.
But the day I met you, I began to see,
that love is real, and exists in me.
those random kisses on my forhead
& the way you smile everytime you see me, they
mean the world to me <3
When I see you, my thoughts are lost.
All I want is to be in your arms.
I feel them now, around me tight.
I wish you'd make me yours tonight.