
Joined: February 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 273011

My name is PandyChanz, I like to stalk people.♥ LARA GURL I KNOW YOUR HERE.

Nothing to even say about me other than I like to Stalk people like a boss.

PandyChanz's Favorite Quotes

My thoughts during math class:

- This is so boring

- I'm hungry

-I'm tired

- I wanna go home

-What frickery frick is this?!?!

- When am I gonna even have to use this in real life..?

-I'm going to fail.

-Is class almost over yet?

-Why do we need to know the sum of 1238435[6921q49143 multiplied by X?

- I hate this. 

-LOL 69!