
Joined: December 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 250998
      The Hunger Games    
  Hey everyone! :) My name is Payton and i am 14 years old.
My source of escape is my youth group every thursday called DownPour.
Everyone there is just amazing and i love being there.
My church: 
Ask me some questions :)
















  (my cvvHunger gam Hunger ï»¿ï»¿ ï»¿ï»¿


Hello Young Warrior
The Hunger Games Mockingjay Pin - Profile Counters <3 Profile Counters

Quotes by PayOli

My friend: Speaking of churros....

Me: What..? We dont have any churros.. D:

Him: -pulls a marker out from pocket-

Me: That isnt a churro...

Him: It is if you use your imagination!! -chews on marker-

This made my day :) i love my friends Please....

just please...

watch this....


Our Smiley face

has begun

8th Grade Graduation
today guys...
Wish me and my friends luck!

My birthday is May 16, 1998....
Any twins?? :D

What is with all this BLUE Highlighted Advertisement crap in quotes?!

i wish ...
i was allowed to date...


I asked Jesus...

"How much do you love me?"
He said..." This much.."
And he stretched out his arms
and died.

A dad came home drunk and mad.....he pulls out a gun and shoots his wife and turns to the gun himself and pulls the trigger.
The little girl sits behind a couch crying. The police came and took the little girl to a new family, and she went to her first Sunday school at church. She walks past the building and sees a picture of Jesus on the cross.
The little girl then ask's the teacher "How did that man get off the cross?"
The Teacher replied "He never did"

Then the little girl argued "Yes he did. Because the night that my mommy and daddy died he sat next to me behind the couch, telling me everything was going to be alright".