
Joined: April 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 167244
hey guys! penguins87crosby here(:.yeah well. i play hockey,softball,basketball, and run track. but yeah.  if you dont like the penguins, you dont have to tell me, because i really dont care.If you hate on my profile, cool beans bro. Haters Gonna hate & Karma sucks. (;
bye guys.

Mahomie <3.

Quotes by Penguins87crosby

You're too young to let the world destroy you ..
The most romantic things
- being kissed in the rain..
_ being kissed with the snow falling.. 
whoever made it up, was either dumb. Or really in love. 
romance.. doesnt exist..

Kiss me underneath the Mistletoe, tell me baby that you love me so.
th moments when your outside from 6 am to 10 pm pitching, for you're dream of being in the olympics.
eat. sleep. breathe. softball.

who are they ?

oh, those girls.

They're the Plastics. 

This is honestly so dumb, 
but it makes me laugh every time.

You've Cat to be Kitten me right now. 

is anybody elses witty chat not workiing.?

So, i gave the guy who cheated on me a second chance...
i guess i was just that stupid..
its happening. AGAIN.