
Joined: June 16, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 309175

Quotes by Prezzies1D

Boy: Do you love me?

Girl: Always.

Boy: Do you hate me?

Girl: No, never.

Boy: So you love me, always?

Girl: Why do you even ask?

Boy: Do you want to kiss me?

Girl: Yes, all the time!

Boy: Do you cheat on me?

Girl: You ask me the same questions everyday, and you no the answers!!!!

Read upside down..... HA


Boy: Do you love me?

Girl: Always.

Boy: Do you hate me?

Girl: No, never.

Boy: So you love me, always?

Girl: Why do you even ask?

Boy: Do you want to kiss me?

Girl: Yes, all the time!

Boy: Do you cheat on me?

Girl: You ask me the same questions everyday, and you no the answers!!!!



That awkward moment when Spongebob crys

                                                   and it makes you sad.



If hate is really easy, then why cant we try harder at love?