
Joined: March 13, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 283521

Quote Comments by Randomthingsandthat

Randomthingsandthat 1 decade ago on quote #5030561
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sydissic, lizzie mcguire didn't even start until 2001, what does that have to do with the 90s?
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Randomthingsandthat 1 decade ago on quote #3546065
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Sorry hungamoose3 but you are not a 90s kid, you were 1 when the 90s ended. Being a 90s kid means u were a kid in the 90s, not just born in it, unless u were born in the early 90s. 1997 onwards need to accept they are 2000s kids. At least the early 2000s were ok.
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