
Joined: May 29, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 178266

Hey there.I'm Phoebe, and I popped out my mum's vagina on 13th September, 1998. Witty is like my second home.It saves me from the cruel reality and when I need to vent about shit without being judged,witty is there.This is usually the bit where I write about what I look like,but you don't need to know about my looks.For once,be the person that wants to get to know what a girl is like on the inside instead of the outside.I have severe anxiety and anger issues.If you ever met me, you would have no idea.Somehow I manage to seem very calm and collected,when on the inside I'm just a big mess,worrying and obssessing over every little detail.I'm a clean freak, a perfectionist and I'm very high maintenance,especially about my looks.That's just me.Like pretty much every other girl on this side,I'm insecure about my looks and my weight.However,I am a Christian and I do believe everyone is beautiful.On the outside,anyway.Personality (and music taste :3) is what I will judge you on.If you're an asshole to me,then I'll be a motherfucking bitchfaced cow to you.js. I can seem extremely shy and cold and unsociable to people that only just meet me.This is because I only show my true colours and act myself around people I have known a while, people I know I can trust,people that I know inside out,and who know me inside and out.I am in love with American accents and anything american.As soon as I'm done with college and uni,I'm packing my multi-coloured suitcase and heading to New York.The land of dreams and beautiful accents,a free world that has been out of reach for far too long.I love my family so much,but we have alot of arugments.And I mean alot.And they've just increased by 2958789 since my dad left a couple of years ago.Then I go and stay at my dads and the arguments begin again.Most of the time,my friends are all that I've got. I don't have many that truly matter to me.
Sorry for the huge 'about me',I tend to ramble alot. Oh,one more thing; I would absoloutely LOVE to have a witty bestfriend.A true witty bestfriend.I've been on here a while now,on various accounts,and I've never had one.I'm super jel of anyone that does.
[If you're still bothered about seeing a picture of me then just click on my twitter.]
I'm single and I plan to keep it that way for a while. 

New Girl, Glee, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Family, God, poptarts, Welsh accents, One Tree Hill, F.r.i.e.n.d.s, The Titanic, My Chemical Romance, The Pretty Reckless, 30secondstomars, You Me At Six, Taylor Swift and All Time Low make me happy.
Thankyou message: so I'd just like to say a massive thankyou to Chloe. She'll probably never read this, but I just need to say that she saved me alot. Sometimes I lose sense of who I am and just being with her, talking to her, reminds me. idk what's wrong with me, but sometimes I feel trapped and like I'm quite literally going insane. But because of her, I'm getting through. I'm even getting better. I just love her so much; She's my bestfriend.  Thankyou. Just, thankyou. A thousand times, thankyou.

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You Me At Six. That is all.