
Joined: June 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 181551
No reviews for a while! School just started and I have a lot of work to do. Thanks!

Quotes by RememberingSunday_x

"Back To The Beginning"
By the_pink_princess
It's only on part six, but I'm already in love with this story. The author describes the feelings of the main character, Reese, very well and I love the way there is a link to a song that goes with the chapter. This story is really good, and I think you should check it out, you won't be disappointed. It definitely deserves more attention. It's worth your time. I hope the author adds more soon; this story has a lot of potential. I love the way the drama between Reese's breakup wiht Chris and her mom's cancer is heating up the story and making it more dramatic. I'm wondering what's going to happen next, it's so suspensful! This is one of the best stories I've read in a long time!
*If you want a review written on your story, comment on my profile(:

By sarahhxo 

This story seems like it's going to be really good. So far, there's only the preface, but I'm already wanting more, because it seems like it's going to be dramatic and amazing. It's about a girl who is cheating on her boyfriend with his brother. I hope the author writes more soon because it seems like it's going to be one of the best. It definitely is recommended to read this right away. I can't wait until the author adds more. So far, soo good! (: 
*If you want a review written on your story, comment on my profile(:

"The Story Of Us"
By xxlive_laugh_lovexx

Let me start out by saying I really like this one. It's really relatable to most of the people who read it, because most people on Witty have been through something like this or know someone who has. The fact that it's a true story about the author's relationship makes it even better, in my opinion. I think the author should definitely keep going with this story. Also, I don't think it's getting the attention it deserves, so please stop by and take a look at it. Chances are you'll like it, and be sure to let her know if you do!
*If you want a review written on your story, comment on my profile(:

 "I Won't Forget You" 
y jhkdancer

This story is a fun read; you'll definitely enjoy it.
It's really good, and I hope the author continues to the end!
"I Won't Forget You" is about a seventeen year old named Maggie who is celebrating the summer time on a cruise with four of her bestfriends.
I love the way the author puts in links to Maggie's outfits so that you can picture it perfectly!
I recommend reading this one, it's definitely worth your time.
Hopefully there will be more soon because it's left of at a really great part!

*If you want a review written on your story, comment on my profile(:

"Why So Different?"
By LeAnnxBrooke

Even though only the first three parts of this story are currently posted, it has a strong plot line and interesting characters.
This story is about a girl named Clara and her bestfriend Jose, who has a slutty girlfriend who doesn't like Clara at all.
It is already apparent that their relationship causes Clara a lot of problems.
It starts out with a dream, which explains who Clara really feels about Jose.
I think it's very relatable, because most readers have been in a situation similar to Clara's.
It is written in a way that really makes it clear what is happening.
There is also a bit of humor, which makes the reading more exciting.
This story definitely deserves more attention, because I can already see that it's going to be really, really good.
Make sure you check it out!

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

*If you want a review written on your story, comment on my profile(:

By xXxHotPantsxXx
This story is mysterious, thoughtfully-written, and very descriptive. 
It is about a shy, quiet, high-school girl named Isabel who meets a boy named Marcus, who seems to be perfect for her.
The author writes like a professional in the way she describes Isabel's feelings without overdoing it.
So far, she has posted the prologue, which is thrilling and leaves the reader wanting more. It makes the reader desperately want to know what happened to Isabel.
There is also the first and second chapters, which explain what happened before the event in the prologue. At the end of the second chapter, the reader is left at a cliff-hanger and will undoubtedly be wanting more.
Hopefully, the author (xXxHotPantsxXx) will add more to her story soon.
I definitely recommend that you check it out. It is different from most stories on Witty, and I can tell it's going to be great.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

*If you want a review written on your story, comment on my profile(: 

If you're writing a story,
favorite or comment here or
on my profile and I'll write an honest review about it(:

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