Joined: October 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 129432


Oi. Brittani. You're extremely gorgeous. You're probably thinking "Oh no, not again. She knows how I feel, why does she keep on doing this?" Well, Ron, if you are thinking that then you must know its because I don't want you to feel unloved or worthless. You're beautiful, and it doesn't matter what you look like to feel a sense of love. I never want you to feel as if you're alone, i'll always be there for you. But, girl, you are so pretty. I'm not just saying that. I stalked you on Facebook x] You've got gorgeous hair that goes really well with your complexion and you have a CUTE nose. And so what if your hair is become orange-ish red? You're Ron, if you haven't realized x]
I love you < 3
So Brittani, stay strong, keep on smiling and find happiness in whatever you can :]

Saf. You're my giraffe. You're funny and sweet and absolutely gorgeous, if I say so myself ;] Lol, we are gonna have so much fun partying [and by partying I mean staying at home while eating pizza] when I see you. Sleepovers galore! Ahahahaha, I love you :]]

Scar, little miss GAWJUS, why so pretty? Siriusly, donate to help a SJ ;] I can't get over how much we are alike, ya know, apart from the fact that you're a complete model and i'm meh. Photography lovers, book nerds. Its like we're indirect twins. But for the purpose of me being Harry and you are Ginny, we could go with soulmates instead x]] I love you
< 3


Quotes by SJ

There once was a boy named
who constantly conquered death
But in one final duel between good and bad,
he may take his final breath



                         It's June 30, 2011.

Harry Potter
and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone was released on June 30, 1997.

14 years ago today, the magic became real.

14 years ago today, Hogwarts became a real school.

14 years ago today, we got to explore the classes, meet the professors, learn the secrets.

14 years ago today, our lives began.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling, we thank you for doing this.

We love you
My quote


Is a battlefield
You just have to find the one worth fighting for


Click the heart,

 If you DON'T live in the United States of America,
and if you do, comment which state you are from ♥



I think the reason why
We could never quit
Was because we literally grew up with
Miley, Zach and Cody… But now Since they grew up I think the Universe is trying to make us let go…
R.I.P. all the amazing Disney shows that made us part of their lives ♥

A teacher sent her students home, asking them to draw a picture about something that happened at their house the night before.

The next day, little Johnny came to school and the teacher called on him first. "Can you show us your picture?" The teacher asked.

Johnny just held up a blank sheet of paper with a tiny dot on it. "What is it?" The teacher asked.

"A period." Johnny replied. "What's so important about it?" The teacher asked.

"I don't know. But my sister said she missed one, then my Daddy had a heart attack, Mommy fainted, and the guy next door shot himself."


Not my quote, my format

Today while I was shopping I saw a man put something in his pocket but before i could go tell an employee a little girl from the other ends of the isle, lifted her finger and pointed at him while screaming "Swiper No swiping, swiper no swiping, swiper no swiping!" The man was kicked out with a warning and the little girl got a free teddy bear. I am sorry for ever dissing you Dora.


"May you live all the days of your life..."
-Jonathan Swift
"Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and smiles back at you"
-Peace Pilgrim
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow"
-Albert Einstein

Give me
give me
I don't need it
But I'll take
what I want
from your
heart and
I'll keep it
In a bag, in
a box , put
an X on the
Gimme more,
gimme more,
gimme more,
shut up and
sing it with

~My Chemical Romance [Na na na]