
Status: I'll be just fine pretending I'm not
Joined: July 17, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 366476
Location: Foreverland
Gender: F
Dear whoever-you-are!
Hello! I'm anonymous, let's keep it that way. I want so badly to write, but every word I type, ever letter and form, it all sounds stupid. He says I'm my own worst critic, and yeah, I am, but I just feel like it's never good enough. It's something everyone can do, nothing makes it special. I don't just want to write, I want to write well. If I could be anything, I'd be an author. But that doesn't bring in money, and you have to have something special to sell. I can write fluently for the most part, if I try, but it never stands out. If I can write 1 story so well that it just pops from the crowd, that it stands out, then maybe I'll feel better about this whole thing. Until then, I guess I'm S.O.L. I have another Witty, but that's unimportant. Like I said up there, I"m anonymous, let's keep it that way.
Your friend,
Anonymous ;)


I am a princess. I am brave sometimes. I am scared sometimes. Sometimes I am brave even when I am scared. I believe in loyalty and trust. I believe loyalty is built on trust. I try to be kind. I try to be generous. I am kind even when others are not so generous. I think standing up for myself is important. I think standing up for others is more important. But standing with others is most important. I believe compassion makes me strong. Kindness is power and family is the tightest bond of all. I have hear I am beautiful. I know I am strong. I am a princess.


Comments by ScaredToDeath

ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to LoveYourLifeee
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Hey I don't know if you saw the next character bio, but I added Brielle Marcia Alexander and I'm about to add a third character after this comment(: cool comment box btw
LoveYourLifeee 1 decade ago to LoveYourLifeee
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Yes I Saw Brielle's Bio And She Seems Like A Very Unique Caracter. Headed To Read About The New Character Now. And Thanks(:
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to mariahg99
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Hey I don't know if you saw the next character bio, but I added Brielle Marcia Alexander and I'm about to add a third character after this comment(:
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to Lifehappens
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The first character bio's up if you're interested I guess
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to Lifehappens
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Hey I just thought I'd let you know I'm officially stopping Love Lies. It went way too off course. I guess I'm going to try another one but I'm not sure. Okay thanks bye
Lifehappens 1 decade ago to Lifehappens
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Oh No :( Ok ;(
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to Lifehappens
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The first character bio's up if you're interested I guess
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to Tori10176
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hey just letting you know i officially stopped writing love lies. it went way too off course. i guess i'm going to try another one but i'm not sure
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to ScaredToDeath
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haha I have the childish obsession with the princesses still. I was experimenting with coding for layouts and this was the idea that I got for an easy theme so I went with it The layout looks really simple but damn that stuff's hard I don't get how all these people do it so well. I could barely get the picture of the poem to be off the page slightly!! lol
LettingSecretsGo 1 decade ago to ScaredToDeath
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We all have a bit of an obsession with Princess I think :P
And you're profile looks really good. Coding and stuff gets confusing, but I think you did a really good job of it. (:
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to Lifehappens
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Chapter 3 of Love Lies is up, read the author's note cuz the probability of it happening is like 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999%
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to Tori10176
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Chapter 3 of Love Lies is up, read the author's note cuz the probability of it happening is like 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999%
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to Thefullback
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mmmm hellooo there ;)
i miss you and cant wait for tuesday<3 i love you sooo much it hurts
cant wait till you're allllll mine again

and yes, be very afraid ;)
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to Lifehappens
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Chapter 2 of Love Lies is up. (: Thanks for reading! Feedback is really appreciated. The author's notes at the bottom will keep you updated and such, but the all time note is the same thing on every chapter
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to Tori10176
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Chapter 2 of Love Lies is up. (: Thanks for reading! Feedback is really appreciated. The author's notes at the bottom will keep you updated and such, but the all time note is the same thing on every chapter
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to ScaredToDeath
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Thanks! Actually I've been on for almost 2 years, this is just a story account. I made the layout, I'm just trying to work out a kink so I can put it in the pre-mades :)
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to ScaredToDeath
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Yeah. I just posted the prologue and honestly I could cry right now. I think I'm gonna log out before anyone can read it. Bye. Thanks for the comment though. You manage to find all my accounts ;) haha
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to ScaredToDeath
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haha I know this is an anonymous account. My boyfriend is trying to get me to write stories on here but I'm so scared it's just ughhh so I made this account. I've been on Witty for about 2 years xD
ChocoTaco 1 decade ago to ScaredToDeath
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Oh, I see where you're coming from >.<
ScaredToDeath 1 decade ago to ScaredToDeath
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Yeah. I just posted the prologue and honestly I could cry right now. I think I'm gonna log out before anyone can read it. Bye. Thanks for the comment though. You manage to find all my accounts ;) haha