
Joined: March 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 156160

Quotes by SerennLoveYouu



Things about me ; 12




I fall to easy for guys, then I end up getting my heart broken. Even if I'm not going out with the guy..



Things about me ; 11

I'm not perfect. The only thing I talk about is Boys, Clothes & Girly stuff. I live on the internet. I'm not pretty. I waste money on credit for my phone and/or clothes. I wear alot of make-up. My bed room is un-tidy. I sleep untill 1 in the afternoon. I'm not the brightest. I have my moments. I constantly argue. But then again, I wonder. Who is perfect?





Things about me ; 10

People who inspire me the most are;

Marilyn Monore,

My mom,

My dad,

&&Selena Gomez.








Things about me ; 9

I dont care who or what you are, I still see you beautful in your own way & I will always listen to your problems and not laugh in your face, I will also do my best to help you.







Things about me ; 8

I'm really shy when you first meet me, then when you get to know me properly you may think I'm a physco:D






Things about me ; 7

When I first joined witty, all I wanted was to be on the top quotes. But now I dont care if I get 2 fav's, it only shows thar someone actually cares and feels the same way. If you read this then thanks;)





Things about me ; 6

I may argue with my best friends, mom, dad, brother but I still love them with all my heart.





Things about me ;




I'm the youngest in my year yet I'm one of the tallest.

No witty I will not control my exitment or slow down...



Things about me ;4

I wear alot of make-up, its because I'm really self-conscious about the way I look it doesnt mean I'm fake...





Things about me ;3

I LIVE on the internet.