
Joined: May 29, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 77865
Gender: F
Hi!(: Im Bailey. Leave me a message<3

Quotes by Sexygurl123


Im not making this quote pretty,

But I just wanted to say, A kid in my school commited suicide Saturday, He was just at the football game Friday. & loved by everyone.

R.I.P. Cody, Wish I would have got to know you.


It really makes you think,

How precious life is.



I'd do anything for you.

Okay girls,I need help...
'm not over my ex, & I really want to get him talking to me again,
Should I write something on his wall?
Or just message him?
Im terrified of his response,
Sooo, If i get some favs, even like 1, I will try talking to him? (:
Its not for faves, I just need major help/:

I guess all that wishing on 11:11 paid off <3

I found out that the guy i've been "talking" too,
has been talking to my best friend,
and his girlfriend.
How could I be so stupid?
Too make it better, I confronted him on it,
and he didn't care...
He will care Monday when me and my friend,
tell his girlfriend everything,
along with showing the texts, In front of him.
Wont be to funny then huh?

Read? I will love you, Todays been on of those days/:

& I wish...
Just one day, everything could be how it used to. </3

So this guy who I will always love, Randomly texts me saying:

Him: I'm sorry
Me: What for???
Him: Everything, I'm sorry<3
Me: I'm so confused...
Him: I know I have hurt you, I can see it in your eyes when I pass by you in the hall...
Me: Ohhh/: I'm sorry...
Him: its all my fault anyway<3 I love you, and don't ever want to hurt you</3

He makes me believe that not all guys are bad <3

I love how,
You made me promise you,
that we would stay in love,
and always be together,
I kept my promise,
Why didn't you? </3
Youthink I care that you don't like me?
Ha, Don't flatter yourself(: