
Joined: June 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 310114

Update - Taking a break from this account. I'm the only one who goes on it (Kailey) and tbh, I don't feel like I'm ... well, let's just say that the most faves I've gotten were on a quote about Drake and Josh. So, I don't think I'm necessary on Witty. I'm going to get to quote #100, and then I'm leaving for a bit. Stay strong beautiful♥
'ello there! This account is run by Kailey (lifexinxmusicx), Fan (snowhusky23), & Fatma (AntoHp) with a little help from Cleo (MakingItAwkward) ♥
we're here to help you through anything and everything you've been experiencing.
If you're having a bad day - well, we all have 'em. You can always chat us about what's happened or comment it if we're not online. If you want to have a private conversation and we're not online, you can comment us saying "Private chat?" and we will talk to you as soon as we can. This goes for depressed and suicidal girls too, and guys if you really need to vent (even though the username is SisterTips, ahahaa). We are always here for you. We will help you the best we can. Remember, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. The opinion of bullies? DON'T MATTER. The opinion of that bitch who called you ugly? DOESN'T MATTER. Those who mind don't matter, and those who don't matter mind. If you are smoking and/or drinking? Drinking alcohol just because you don't like the way life is right now? You shouldn't do that. Because life gets better. There are only downs because in the end there is going to be one big up, meaning: good things WILL happen. You are beautiful and unique and amazing, nobody can tell you otherwise. You ARE loved, by your family and friends. There is no reason to drink and smoke. Whatever the situation is, will get better. It always does. It does for everyone. That's how life is. If you get through the bad without harming yourself, more good is going to come of it. If you are depressed? Same goes: if you go through the bad without harming yourself, more good will come out of it. So put down the razor, the scissors, the knife, or whatever you are cutting yourself with. Slowly put it down, and walk away. You're too good for that. You don't need to bleed to know you're alive. Put your hand on the left side of your chest. Feel that? It's your heart beating. You are alive and well. If you are suicidal, PLEASE DON'T SWALLOW THOSE PILLS. Don't take those drugs, don't jump off of ANYTHING that could kill you in the end. If today was your day to die, you would be dead already. You're alive and reading this, right? So today is not your day. Yes, it will come eventually, but it doesn't need to come sooner than it has to. You have your whole life ahead of you. Get out there and make the best of it, beautiful♥


Comments Made on SisterTips's Quotes

elysey 1 decade ago on quote #5884137
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all of your quotes are the best hahah! I can't choose :)
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hgirl 1 decade ago on quote #5943534
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I don't get it
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Stiff_Smile 1 decade ago on quote #5914768
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Dr. Seuss, I believe.
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SomebodiesMe 1 decade ago on quote #5892519
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if only i'd seen that 2 months ago :p
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[deleted] 1 decade ago on quote #5887512
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wut about noah in the notebook?
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barneythebigpurpledino 1 decade ago on quote #5884137
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You should. Confidence is the most attractive thing in a woman (:
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Taz98 1 decade ago on quote #5884137
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Wat if u don't like either?
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