
Joined: November 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 240457
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Quotes by SkiFreak611

Reasons not to kill yourself #5
 food tastes great, don’t deprive yourself of it<3

Reasons not to kill yourself #4
 someone out there looks up to you, and what are they going to do without you there<3

Has anyone else heard about a guy you thought was really nice cheating on his girlfriend and thought,
WOW... there really aren’t any good guys in the world…
That’s been happening to me a lot lately

And I’m slowly slipping under,
And no one even notices…

Reasons not to kill yourself #3
 you would miss the next great Taylor Swift song that comes out<3

Reasons not to kill yourself #2
 the pain you are going through right now, you would make the people who love you go through as well from losing you, and you don’t want to hurt someone as much as your hurting<3

Today I was invited to go to a football game with my friends…
Instead I came home, watched Spongebob and Christmas shows on ABCfamily…
Well there goes any life I had.

The average girl would rather have
beauty than brains,
because the average boy can see
better than he can think

                             I need to vent…
The guy that I am basically in love told me yesterday that he is now in a relationship with another girl. I cried my eyes out for hours, and when I finally stopped, I went onto Facebook, and the first thing on my newsfeed was his relationship confirmation, which made me cry even more. Today I was so upset about it, and my closest friend who knew how upset I was over him didn’t even talk to me at all, and when she did, she snapped at me and then didn’t talk to me again. I don’t know what to do and I am so depressed I just need to vent so bad. </3