
Joined: November 14, 2010
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 133986
Location: Massachusetts
Gender: F

Quotes by NikkiAmber*


*How  can  I  say  hello  to you  &  risk  another


I Wished You Loved Me

As Much As You Love Your Pride.


& They tell you that you're lucky, but you're so confused.
'Cause you don't feel pretty, you just feel used.

I finally understood what true love meant...
love meant that you care for another person's
happiness more than your own, no matter
how painful the choices you face might be . <3 

-dear john<3

Together Forever
Never apart

in the end....
these are just words that will
Break your heart.

This boy was only 14 or 15...
& he committed suicide by hanging
himself because he was bullied.
I didn't know him very well
but I know that he was a good boy,
he had a lot of friends, and people that loved him.
He didn't deserve this at all.
This has made a big impact on a lot
of my friends, including me.
I can't stop thinking about this boy,
I can't imagine how his friends feel.
Even though it seems there is nothing we can do..
There is something..............
do it to help out Ricardo.. as he taught
many of us a lesson.

this is what he wants. 
</3 goodbye Ricardo.

you'll always be in our hearts..

1.28.11 *stay strong*
damn... that boy was fressh. /:

It's easy to fall in love,
But its so hard not to be embarrassed that when you fall;

he wasn't

there to pick you back up..