
Joined: August 9, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 323853
Gender: F


I'm Summer-Lynn. Just Summers fine. I'm 16, I love writing stories. I'm in love with twilight. I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, very obsessive over it. I can't talk more about it because I'll go into a whole reflex of twilight. Haaha <3 I'll be really intrested in knowing what team your  on. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I have three sisters. Tori-Mai,  Aubree-Grace and Myra-Rose. I have one brother called 
Riley-Blake. Aubree and Myra have a different dad and Riley has a different  mom. 

I live in Carnegie Hill in New York. I moved from Austraillia. :) 

Oh, about me? >> I'm very  friendly, I make friends with everyone! If someones rude to me, I just laugh it off and take it like a job. I mean, I'm insecure, but I'm not going to let one person  ruin my life :) So let's get rocking. I love dancing. I also love hipster style. I love swimming and  diving etc. I really love twilight like I said. Badly. :) I'm good at school, but I let stupid things make me cheeky to the teachers, I'm such a baby. Haahaa x Byeee x

My top says "Every one likes my blog" or somthing x

My eyes are odd ^


Comments to Summers_Stories

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MindFucked 1 decade ago
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Oh, and stop faking someone else xx
MindFucked 1 decade ago
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I did stop reading it, after it lost my attention. Don't get upset over my criticism. Thats what makes stories better. How many people go outside and smash their firsts open on the road? No one I know.
codaa024 1 decade ago
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Nice try. but you're using Andrea Russets photos.