
Joined: May 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 177067
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It's hard to swin
in a world so shallow �

I'm Haley, though I'm known as Zoe. :]
Anagram is Hayle.

I'll try to explain myself, but it's not really easy...

First off, one of the most important things in my life- horses. They are my entire life. I would say they were besides my friends and family, but the thing is- they are friends and family. I've been riding for about 10 years (since I was 3: do the math) and I wouldn't trade my time with horses for the world. I stopped taking lessons for about a year (that doesn't mean I stopped riding- I've always been on the horse, I just stopped taking LESSONS) but I realized I needed to continue taking lessons- horse-back riding isn't just hopping on a horse, commanding it to go, and claiming you mastered the sport.

The two things that annoys me more than any friggin' thing in the world are:
1. Horse back riding is just a sport where you let the horse do all the work
2. "It's so wierd that you're an aunt, Haley!"
(^We'll get to that one later^ :])

By this time, I'm sure you're wondering (or maybe you're not) "Gee, Haley, you love all horses, but which one is your favorite?"
Well, that's actually a question that's not as easy to answer as it looks.
I actually have a couple (can't blame me, luv' the dang things) which are Lady, Melody, and Donald.
I won't go into a huge discussion on Lady because it makes me so sad to thing that she's leaving. :,] Anyway, a while back I began leasing her. (She's a rescue, so we didn't know much about her from the start). 'Couple weeks later she was confirmed to be pregnant. Couple months later she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but, unfortunately, she did not survive. Lady is alive and well, and her foal will always be with us in spirit (one of the greatest gifts Lady has ever given me). I don't think you understand- Lady could have died. (This has to do more with her past, again, I won't go into discussion over it.) Her baby was born 40 pounds- foal are usually around 120 - and the spot she was in when we took the UltraSound- well, baby Harmony never left that spot. (Yes, I named the foal myself. :] Can't go unnamed, can it?)
The second is Melody. She's coming on trial as a possible option for me to adopt. I haven't met her yet, but I ahve a feeling in my gut that only horseman get. (If you're one, you'll know what I mean)
The third is Donald. He was at the second barn I've ever been part of. I left there a few years back, when I was drifting in and out of questioning if I still wanted to ride or not. When I made the descision to leave, I knew our wonderful memories would be ripped apart until further notice.
Oh yeah! I forgot baby Harmony. :] There's not much to explain about her, since We've never met in the physical world... But when I go to heaven, I'll be sure to lead all four of these wonderful creatures with me over the Rainbow Bridge...

I guess I'll have to bring some extra leadropes.

I was born on October 20, year is irrelevent.
I am going into 8th grade, but I'm pretty sure I'm the 3rd youngest in my class? It doesn't matter, it just means I was too smart to be in the next class lower. :]
I'm told I can be really nice, but also super mean, though I never know it.
I love my family to peices, they're everything to me, as do I my friends.
I play tons of sports- horseback riding, soccer, competative swimming, volleyball, and track.
My favorite is horse back riding. :]
My favorite aretists are Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Eminem, Lady Gaga, Hot Chelle Rae, All Time Low,  Breathe Carolina, Black Eyed Peas, Lupe Fiasco,  Akon, Nicki Manaj, Chris Brown, My Chemical Romance, Lil Wayne, Lil John, Justin Bieber, Wiz Khalifa, Sarah McLachlan, Busta Rhymes, Ke$ha, P!nk, Linkin' Park, Taio Cruz, Flo Rida, Far East Movement, One Republic, Miss A, Ditty-Dirty Money, Keri Hillson, Jay-z, and Katy Perry.
My favorite movie is Secretariat, the Last Song && War Horse.
When I grow up, I want to be an actress, or.
My favorite colors are lime green, purple, light blue, and lavender.
I have two dogs, one is mine, other is my brother's.
Mine's a Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier, and I got him for my tenth birthday. His name is Maximillian Kolbe -------, after the saint, or Max for short. He's everything to me. ♥
I am absolutely in love with writing, especially Fantasy.
I have an older brother and an older sister.
My sister is much, much older than me, and is married happily with two children.
And yes, that does make me an aunt, it's not that weird, don't make a big deal about it. I, as a matter of fact, enjoy being an aunt. My nephew was born when I was in second grade. I was glad I got the opportunity to experience this amazing little boy growing up at an age where I could remember everything but at the same time cherish it like only a child can. My neice was born two years later, and it's the same thing for her. I'm so glad they were born, they're everything to me. Though sometimes I'm not the best aunt, and I tease them and they get on my nerves, I know they love me as much as I love them. ♥
I love the beach, walking barefoot, riding bikes on freshly paved roads, after-rain chalk drawings, wiggling my toes in the sand, riding my bike barefoot, jumping on the trampoline on a hot summer day, doing head-stands at memorable moments, and taking pictures of things that don't matter, to make the matter.
If you ever need any advice, I'm here. :]

I'm thinking of writing a story here on Witty, but I'm not sure. It's important to me that it gets alot of views.. What do you think?

Thanks for reading this far!


P.S: Everything on this profile except for the words are credited to _RandomRequests.

Ooh! Ooh!
And please follow these people:

Riley11 --> Read her book! Amaysing!

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Hey! Welcome to my profile! 

Comments by SwimChic

SwimChic 1 decade ago to thegronk87
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Uhm hi do I no u?
SwimChic 1 decade ago to YellowCrayon123
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Hey, I followed you. :] Follow back?
SwimChic 1 decade ago to mconleyb
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Egmeggawg. Molly ,this is da last time I comment on your profile before I'm 13!! Daww
SwimChic 1 decade ago to mconleyb
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He wus such a cayuuute puppy! ;]
SwimChic 1 decade ago to strictlysexy
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I just wanted to say I luvv your guys' story! I followed you, please follow back! :]
SwimChic 1 decade ago to mconleyb
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Okie dokie! Well, I'm awake right now, soo... My dad woke me up at 7:00 this morning because he forgot there was no school... xD My parents have such bad memories! And I just told him yesterday in da car I had no school... OMG I HAVE to tell you somethin when you call me! Guess who I saw yesterday? :D
SwimChic 1 decade ago to mconleyb
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Hey hey hey! :] Mollithan, I was looking at your profile picture and I was just thinking that looks nothinnng like you. Wierd right? Happens all the time to me.
SwimChic 1 decade ago to angel101
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No problem ;]
SwimChic 1 decade ago to justdancex3
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Ya. Ehmehgawd, Ella did you cut your hairr? It looks like it on your iCon! :D It looks awesomee! :))
SwimChic 1 decade ago to OhDangLetsBang2
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Sure! :] Thanks for the follow!
SwimChic 1 decade ago to justdancex3
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Wait, Molly said Emily was in Mr. D's but Emily said she's in Mrs. Kholer's so I think she already switched. :]
SwimChic 1 decade ago to justdancex3
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No way! I'm in Mrs. Kholer's too! And so is Emily, Kaylee, Eva, Bridget D, and Marina. :D
SwimChic 1 decade ago to justdancex3
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YOU WENT TO BREMUDA?! Ella, Ella, Ella... Why didn't you tell me?! Lol it's cool. We get back at random times. Like, I'm here now and I think we might get back today or tomorrow. We came back because I was grounded... xD Whatev's. Haha! I'm so bored all the time. If you need to contact me, please email. Smiley face :] ♥
SwimChic 1 decade ago to pau96
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It's "If I Die Young."
SwimChic 1 decade ago to justdancex3
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I think I already followed you?
SwimChic 1 decade ago to justdancex3
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Ehmehgawd Ella luff the song!! So how's ur summer going? Haven't talked to you in awhile. ;[
SwimChic 1 decade ago to soccerispassion
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It's great, how's yours? I was kind of sad I couldn't make Colin's party... :[
SwimChic 1 decade ago to soccerispassion
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Hi Christina. :] Luv the song.
SwimChic 1 decade ago to skinowworryl8r
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Hi Caitlin. :] Thanks for following. :D
SwimChic 1 decade ago to kerryfaceface
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Not really.