
Joined: June 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 313550


Evan. 15. Witty guy.
As if the rainbows weren't clue enough...
I'm sassy. But you'll love me anyway.
Follow @r0cki_ on Twitter...
She's a hilarious mofo & my best friend.
I keep telling her to make a Witty,
but she can truly be a stubborn bitch.
Well, enjoy my quotes!
(Like you won't...)
Tata <3

Quotes by SxCMayn

gay guy problems

Girls only talk to you because they want a gay best friend, not because they actually want to be friends.


gay guy problems

Loving shows like Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl, but not being able to see them because you haven't come out to your parents and you're an only child.


gay guy problems

Saying what you really mean with a sarcastic tone. No wait,
saying everything with a sarcastic tone.



gay guy problems

When your sister asks if you've seen her trousers,
and you're wearing them.



gay guy problems

When you have fabulous taste in shoes, but can't wear heels without being a queen.