
Status: Taken. 15. Sophomore.
Joined: August 22, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 121903
Location: Gotham
Gender: F

Quotes by Syddnasaur

why is it that
                                      you're willing to fight this hard to get me back
                                    but you didn't have the will to treat me right before?


if i cry tonight,                                             
please slap me.


I wish witty had a friend activity tab
just like facebook.

Then, maybe, more people
would favorite my quotes.



When you're 18, run away with me to London. <3

I'm serious. I love you.

Format by XxprettixX

People Get

What They Get

It has nothing  to do with what they deserve 


Format by XxprettixX Removal of credit is punishable by DEATH.
I wouldn't let you get close enough to hurt me anyway.

I guess I'm still waiting
for my 
 slow dance with you

to get what you want
you gotta give what you got

you know that quote that goes
"so there's this boy, and i'd tell you all about
him, but then you'd fall for him too" ? well
you shouldn't have told me all about him. 


little kids

are dead honest. no way around it.