
Joined: February 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 151748
I'm a teenage girl. I'm broken; Insecure; tired of crying; sick of trying; done with lying. Music completes my life. I'm in love with the idea of love.<3 I laugh way too much but its rarely real. I use (: and <3 ALOT too make people beleive nothings wrong. Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are my favorite artists. I love Justin Bieber. I say I love you too much. But you've heard the song. Be a bestfriend, tell the truth, and OVERUSE I LOVE YOU. Yeah, thats my favorite song. While I'm writing this I have too pee, but I'm too obsessed with witty too get up and go pee. (: Im a terrible singer, but I love too sing!!!Hahaha. I also over use hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. :) I'm a freshman, and I'm scared. I HATE HATE HATE HATE the idea of growing up. I'm in love with the idea of love. Marilyn Monroe quotes are AMAZING. People tell me I'm beautiful all the time, but I never beleive them. I love making new friends so talk too me!

Quotes by TayloorSimpsoon

This is sad.....if this doesn't touch you......you're heartless. One night a guy & a girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings have changed & that it was time to move on. A Silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket & passes her a folded note. At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the drivers seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note she pulled it out & read it. "Without your love, I would die." If you make this your status in the next two minutes someone special will text or call you. If you don't post this, your worse week will start tomorrow
Hey, so I know alot of ya'll are familiar with Tumblr.. Well I just made mine. So if you have one, 


Url; TheTrooubleWithLoove.tumblr.com

I want a real witty bestfriend.

Someone who also needs a bestfriend.

I want someone too always be there for me and never judge me. 

Someone who I can tell all my secrets and problems too.
I want someone that I can email, or text or add on facebook, and stay in contact with them.. 
Any offers? Please.

Okay Witty Sisters, I need some help! I really want a pretty layout, with a scroll box on my profile! If you can redo my profile for me, I'd be soo grateful, so just comment on here, if you want too. (: Thanks!

Support Please?
A Really Close Friend Of Mine Is Going Through Alot;
One Of Her Friends Has Muscular Sarcoma; Which Is A Form Of Cancer. 
 So, Can I Please Get A Few Faves And Maybe Even Some Support Comments For Her? It Would Mean SOO Much Too Me And Her.

Her Witty Name Is; Annieemariee 
One Good Thing About This Is; Annie Is A Devoted Christian And She Convinced Her Friend Too Get Saved.  
I Love You Annie, And I'm Praying For You; And You Know I'm ALWAYS Here For You.. Witty Sisters FOREVER.<3  


\TWITTER TIME; Follow me && I'll follow you, PROMISE. 

 My Name Thingy Is; itstayloorloove  

After all the waiting, I finally got my report card; And I passed 8th grade.  :   :)

- Can I get some faves, just too congratulate me.  Oh, and I'm soo happy so if you fave this, I'll fave all of your quotes. :)

\Today Is Father's Day..
I Went Too The Store && Bought A Present And A Card For My Dad...

Truth Is... He Passed Away When I Was 7.

not my format   l

"It may seem as the hardest thing to do,but you have to forget the guy who forgot about you."-The Notebook.