
Joined: April 7, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 72779

Quotes by TaylorLautnerJacobBlackLover

Am I the only one who...

Has a friend that gets everything you want.
Gets all the guys you like.
Says shes fat when in reality she is a stick.
Is never single for more than a week.
Makes you feel bad about yourself.
Wonders why you put yourself through this torture.
But am I the only one who...

Has all those problems but just turns it around to be funny.
Enjoys life anyway.
Mocks her with another friend.
Helps her with her problems even if they are stupid cause you know its right.
Feels good about yourself anyway
Turns the drama into fun (:

sorry i just felt like writing about this.
never let another girl get you down.
your beautiful (:

its just a sad picture
the final blow hits yeah
somebody else gets what you wanted
... again
HuG AnD RuN ----------->

haha i lovee hugs. favorite this if you love hugs too.
well i guess these days
its "normal"  to act like your boyfriend doesnt exist.
yeahh i think soo too

this girl does not even talk to her boyfriend. at all. its so funny to watch. (:
we were in church and i looked over at the other eighth grade class,
and i noticed that the guy i may possibly lovee was looking at me.
our eyes met, and i quickly blushed and looked away,
only to realize that his girlfriend was sitting right next to me.
my friend and i went to feeders supply.
we noticed that the aisle that we were in was empty so 
we began rolling and doing flips on the floor
trying to be like ninjas (:
My life is average.

true storyy
Go ahead.
Ask her out. Do whatever you want with her.
I just hope you realize how she really is.
efore she decides to show it.

true story. i really care about this guy.
Im not falling in lovee with you.
I dont use the word lovee all willy nilly.
But i will say that im falling very deeply in likee with you.
And fast.

true story
Oh Lord...
Another Guy Just Told Her She Was Hot.
This Is Really Bad On My Self-Esteem.

haha happens to me a lot. with my bestfriend. if you feel this way sometimes please favorite (: