
Joined: February 18, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 101627

Life is a beautiful struggle.♥

Tg20's Favorite Quotes

no matter what, we will always be;

(: bestfriends<3
we're bestfriends
we fight. we love.
we act chrazy.
we have loads of insiders
we see a hot guy-
and yell across the courtyard
we get mad at each other.
((but it don't last long))
one look-
and we know what the other is thinking-
and understand it all
we laugh with one look at each other.
and it's that one thing you do-
that reminds me why...

we're bestfriends
bestfriends? wanna know the  meaning ??!
well in my  dictionary
it means .. bestfriends-
the person or persons that will stand by you  or stand up for you when you dont have the strength to  stand !
bestfriends means that they will be there for you when you  cant stand the pain!
 they're the people that understand what you go thru,
&& know that you are  the person that you will love  to have in your life <3
it doesnt matter  how much you have of them  just know that they're true (:
so if you know that you have  a meaning  of the word bestfriends!
then click the heart <3

a fortune teller because
baby i write my own
destiny ♥//

Today I'm happy. Why? Because I
just realized that I have no reason
to be depressed anymore.
Hello smile, you've been missed.

it takes years to build up trust

and only seconds to destroy it.

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

People are like....
books...We all have chapters.
The first chapter is appearance,
That is were most people stop reading...
&& So all we have to do is sit there
&& wait...
for someone to flip the page.


all mine(:

Has anyone ever wondered,
how boys feel?

I mean, we say
"Oh, I won't text him until he texts me first."
He might be saying the same thing.
You might cry because he has a girlfriend,
hun, maybe he's afraid to get rejected by you.
You might let all your feelings out,
living your life in the "vent" category.
Girl, be happy.
Boys don't have some place like Witty.
and they have

just as many feelings as you 
looooong but worth it,
I think [x

 when it really comes down to it, let them think what they want. if they care enough to bother with what you do, then
you're already better than them.
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