
Joined: January 10, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 262223
Hey hey hey!
I am Nour the most outgoing, crazy, and insecure teenage girl you'll ever meet.
I am tall.
Mature, but crazy.
and... I find myself very... UNIQUE.
I am also left handed!
I LOVE writing and reading; Call me a nerd but I dont really give a shit.
I don't swear a lot but sometimes I do.
I love Summer<3
I am single, but I want a boyfriend so badly, but I am still young so.... I sound desperate but come on you know YOU do too! ;-)
I was born on the beautifully cold December, (7th).
I was born in 1999 meaning I am 12. I love being born on 1999 because my age is the same as the year. 2012, 12. Get it?
Anywayyyy read my stories. My quotes too.

Bye, xoxo

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