
Joined: December 28, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 256542

Thats_cute's Favorite Quotes

No I'm not perfect and that doesn't make u better than me

If I could only have
3 people in my life it

would be my two best girls
and that one special boy. <3


Welcome To My Life
Chapter 12
(Jeydon's POV)

"Are you serious?" Nick asks me, when I poured my heart out to him and the guys the next day.
I nodded, wiping my wet eyes. I wasn't able to choke anything back, or make it stop. "Yeah....and they said that Meghan....could keep them needs to! They just can't!"
I ran my damp fingers in my hair, and I felt Dakota's hand pat my back. "Look, Jey-"
"She has to! I know it will!" I shouted.
I felt Nick's cold stare come to me. I knew he had something to say, and no surprise, he did.
"That's just using her." he snapped.
I looked up. My eyes filled with tears were now filled with anger.
"I mean, is that the whole reason you even got her?" I thought he'd laugh, but he looked at me, so serious it actually hurt. "Dude, I mean...I bet you're pretending to like her too! You want her to feel welcome to you, just so she can save your family. That's actually more selfish than you think."

What he said to me hurt, but I wasn't sure why. I knew it wasn't true. But it was just the fact he had the nerve to say something like that to me, is just what made it hurt.
I stood up, and said, "None of that is true. Nick, I do have feelings for her. And that's one of the reasons she's staying."
"Is the other reason that she could keep your parents together?"
I stood there silently.
"Yeah, come on. Admit it. I mean, you're saying to someone who lost their parents already. I know what the feelings are like."
I knew Nick's parents were divorced. I remember how he told us he would do anything to get them back, and if he knew before, he would've done anything to keep them together. That's probably what he thinks I'm thinking, but what he thinks I'm doing about it is hurtful and selfish.

I sat myself back down, while Dakota and Anthony just watched in shock.
"You might as well tell her...instead of having her learn later and get hurt even more." Nick's voice sounded angry, and just so sure of what he was saying.
I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, and I just couldn't bear to even look at him now.

(Meghan's POV)

Later that day, when I thought the entire band left, I found Nick at the door around six. "What's up?" I asked him.
He looked at me, guilty. I could tell by the look in his eyes, he had something to tell me, and it was something that would be hard to tell. "Mind if we take a walk?" he asks.
I felt the fear in my heart begin, but there was something else that I felt too. Nick had his hand out to mine, and with complete surprise and faith, I took it.

We walked all the way up the street, and down a trail that the guys knew.
"How come you're taking me here?" I asked.
Nick sighed, and put his hands in the pockets of his dark jeans. "I wanted to talk to you....without anyone getting in the way."
I nodded, and sat down on a big rock. "What do you need to tell me?" I asked.
He looked down at his sneakers, and said, "It's about Jeydon."
I blushed at his name, but still looked at him with concern. "What about him?"
He swallowed, and then looked up at me. "Meghan....he's using you."
My mind went fuzzy, and I looked at him puzzled. "What?"
"He's using you." Nick repeated.

I stood up. "You're lying." I snapped in defense.
Nick was frowning, and took one step closer to me. "I really wish I was." His pale blue eyes were locked with mine, and he tried to touch my face, but I backed away. "Meghan...he said that the only reason you were there was because...his parents are getting divorced. He overheard them say that maybe a second the daughter they wanted....could help."
I actually felt my heart break, and I fell back down on the rock. "Nick....y-you're lying. I know it."
"No, I'm not."
"He told me how much of a liar you are!" I snapped, holding the tears back.
"Apparently you have no clue how much of a liar he is." Nick said, sitting next to me. "He just told me that he's keeping you here and getting closer because he thinks you can keep everything held together. That's the only reason they have you. I'm only telling you this because I care more than he does."
"Stop! Nick please stop!" I said, sobbing now.

He just sat next to me silently, and looked into my eyes. "I only want you to know that I would never hurt you like he is."
"Why should I believe you?" I snapped.
"He told me himself. I wouldn't lie to you."
I wanted to push him away and run up that trail. I wanted to run somewhere so far, I could just be alone. Like I've always been.
"I knew I shouldn't have gotten close..." I whispered. My hands shook, and I could feel my heart drain to that empty feeling I've felt for six years.
But Nick slipped his fingers around mine, and he said, "I think there's only one person you can really trust."
I looked up at him, and he was closer to me. He held the gaze in my eyes, and I felt like I was watching a better future already.
In the shock and heat of the moment, Nick pressed his lips to mine. Our hands stayed held, and it felt so gentle and hypnotizing. When he let me go, I wanted to kiss him again, but instead, I whispered, "I think that only person is you."

Nick didn't smile. He just helps me up, and says, "I promise you...I'm helping you with this. I'm not letting him treat you like this."
I took that offer, because this was going to be the last family to ever treat me this way ever again.

I just got an email from Steve. c:

Welcome To My Life
Chapter 6

"Why don't we hit Jay Gee's down the street?" Nick asks, after rehersal.
Anthony nods, and says, "Sounds good to me."
Dakota placed his drumsticks on the drums, and said, "You up for it?"
I looked away from the window, and said, "Um, sure?"
Jeydon actually chuckled at me. "It's nothing that'll kill you. Just an ice cream shop."
I sighed in relief. "Okay." I said, actually laughing at myself.
They smiled at me, and we actually walked there, since it wasn't far from Jeydon's house.

Dakota ordered a coffee ice cream, toppled with hot fudge and gummy bears. Anthony just decided to get chocolate, with whipped cream and hot fudge, which seemed good to me, until I saw Nick order a vanilla and chocolate twist with chocolate sprinkles. So many choices that I haven't seen in years, and it made me feel like a little kid again.
"What would you like?" Jeydon asks me.
"Still deciding." I mumbled.
He chuckled. "You could just share a sundae with me, since it seems like you like a lot."
"I haven't had ice cream in years." I said to him.
I think Dakota froze when I said that, because he held the spoon about two inches away from his jaw dropped mouth.

I could actually feel the awkward, but funny silence. I actually blushed and chuckled.
"Let me handle this, then." Jeydon said, and he ordered a brownie sundae, and I almost fainted because it just looked that good. A hot brownie, toppled with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, whipped cream, sprinkles, and a cherry.
"Oh my God...." I whispered.
Jeydon laughed, and smiled. After he payed, we all sat down, and he handed me a spoon. "Give it a shot."
I nodded, and dug my spoon in, and shoved it into my mouth. I could tell I looked stupid, because my smiled was wide and my eyes drifted.

"She likes it." Nick said, smirking.
"Hell yeah I do!" I said, laughing.
Jeydon laughed too, and took a spoonful for himself.

Later that day, the band left, and it was just me and Jeydon.
"So, what about that song you said you wrote?" I asked him.
He chuckled, and said, "Yeah...why?"
"Why don't you help me learn it?"
He looked at the wall clock, and saw that it was only four, so he said, "Sure."
So until seven, he taught me the song, and I think I knew all the words and notes by heart. "'re really good." he said, smiling wide.
I chuckled, and said, "Glad to know."
"I honestly think we can win this."

Jeydon looked up at me, with surprise.
"Don't you mean, you know we can win this?"
Jeydon's smile turned devious. "Already confident.....this is going to be a good show. Welcome to Evermore, Meghan."
With those words, I knew I was going to change, and believe me, I'm ready for it.


fav if 
you're lesbian, bisexual, or straight.
you're transgender.
you're single, or taken.
you're a ginger, blonde, brunette, or anything else.
you cut, have cut, or want to.
you're black, white, asian, or anything else.
re skinny, or fat.

you have a mental/physical/or eating disorder.
fav if you're human. 

Welcome To My Life
Chapter 4

As we got my bag in the car, Gina said, "So, how about I take you shopping this weekend? I think you need more than what's in that bag."
She smiled at me. That smile was the one I saw in my dream.
"I'd like that." I said.
She nodded, and got into the driver's seat, while Tom got into the passenger seat.
I sat on the right side of the back, while Jeydon sat on the left. He looked over at me, and smiled. He looked gentle, but I wasn't about to give in to my first impressions.
When we got to their home, I actually looked like the stupidest person in the world, because they had a freaking mansion. And just when I thought the outside was beautiful, and huge, I think I could've fainted when we got inside. The floor was bright and clean, the furniture was real silk, leather and more, and the second floor was just as big. There was even a theater in their house....I'm in heaven.
But my room was the best. A flat screen HD TV, king sized bed with purple sheets, family sized leather couch, walk-in closet (which needed to be filled), mini-fridge, and a bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub.
"" I was unable to finish my sentence.
"Pretty sketchy, huh?" Jeydon asked me, since he was showing me around.
"Very!" I said, practically breathless.
"The backyard is cooler. We have this majorly huge pool, and it looks like something you'd see at a country club."
"Is that so?" I asked with a grin.
"Come check it out." he said, grinning as well.
And he was right. The pool was beautiful, and it looked like it even had a waterfall. Their house was beautiful. But I still didn't feel as safe as I should.
"So, wanna see the band room?" he asked, leading me in through the back door.
"Sure." I said, awkwardly walking in.
He lead me down a hall, and soon opened a door, and I saw a large room with a guitar, bass guitar, piano, drums, microphones, and a recording studio.
"How rich are you?!" I said, almost fainting.
" dad owns this company...and so....we're pretty damn rich." Jeydon said, chuckling.
I nodded, and headed straight for the recording studio. "Wow..." I whispered.
"I actually recorded some part of a song...but I need a girl to sing with's a duet."
"What's it called?"
"Very original." I joked.
Jeydon actually laughed at my attempt at humor. I knew I seemed like this, depressed loner, but really, I just need someone to make me smile, and make me feel safe. I just never know if someone can anymore.
"Maybe we can learn it all soon, but not today. I just want you to feel...homey?" he attempted to say.
That's where my hope sank. I can never feel at home.
No matter where I go, or where I've been, I've never felt at home. Home is where you see your mom and dad, smiling at you because you just got home from school, and hugging them as tight as you can, and telling them how your day was. Home is where you see a family, people who love you and care for you more than anything in the world.
Home is where you can sometimes you can escape the cruel and cold world around you.
I looked down at my feet, and tried to leave the room. "Are you okay?" Jeydon asked me.
"I'm fine." I lied.
I could tell he was staring at me with those green eyes, as I left the room. I heard his footsteps behind me, and he said, "No you're not. What did I say that upset you?"
"Nothing." I said, trying to hide my voice cracking.
"Meghan," he began. I stopped, and he made me look in his eyes. "Just tell me. I'm sorry for whatever I said."
"Jeydon, nothing is wrong, I promise." I lied again, and made my way up the stairs again.
Later that night, I held the picture of my parents and me in my hands again.
'I just want you to feel homey.'
Those words stung me, for some reason. In my mind, some people's mouths were like guns, and their words are bullets. The only time I can dodge them, is when they aren't shot at me.
I fell asleep after, dreaming of life when I could actually smile all day, for a reason.



Who wants to be my Witty BestFriend