
Joined: July 8, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 315962
Gender: M

Quote Comments by TheClassyGentleman

TheClassyGentleman 1 decade ago on quote #6047954
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With respect to what @ErinBean98 was saying. Yeah, I agree with you. I am more likely to call a girl "cute" to compliment her on her looks than to call her beautiful. Now, I know I may get a lot of hate for saying this but it's true. From what I've witnessed, there are so many guys out there who will call a girl beautiful, eventually dump her, move on, and call another girl beautiful. Personally, I think the word "beautiful" is one that describes someone who is sweet, nice, charming, and all around one-of-a-kind. It describes a girl that I would not want to leave. I don't throw that word around carelessly, because I know the effect it has on girls. I know that a girl likes being called "beautiful," so I don't think it should be said to every girl by every single guy.

Then again, I'm just me.
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TheClassyGentleman 1 decade ago on quote #6026729
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Happy Birthday!
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TheClassyGentleman 1 decade ago on quote #6024393
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Thanks Aves.
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