
Joined: May 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173940


If  you have OWD
*obsessive witty disorder*

Quotes by TheLoveOfYourLife



 happens twice a day cuz everyone deserves a

[   (        SecoND cHaNce      )   ]



Dear Miley Cyrus,
When you fall... is it considered a

Dear Substitute Teachers,
Please understand that that is my real name. I am not joking.
Oliver Titzwiggle.

Dear Dog,
I gave you that stuffed animal to play with.

Not to do that with it...

Dear person eating lipgloss,
Its ' scented ',

Not Flavored

Please Read.
A couple of days ago, my friends brother got into a car crash with a tree. His name is Steven. It was at 4:00 in the morning, and he was drunk. His best friend Jay was also in the car at the time, and he was killed. Steven was arrested, and his lungs collapsed, and other severe injuries, so hes in the hospital. Nobody knows if hes going to survive or not. Even if he does, he'll have to go to jail for the next 25 years or more.

And he has to live his whole entire life in jail right now, knowing that he killed his best friend..

Fave if you think drunk driving is wrong.
And if you read the whole thing, i love you. 

* i put it in funny just so you'll all read it, since most people go there, so no mean comments about it.


The world is going to hell...
And im driving the bus..

The minute you walk
into a spider web, and you become a karate master.
format cr

If you're plan A doesn't work...
 Dont worry. The alphabet has 25 more letters.

Its 6:01
and im still waiting to die.