
Joined: May 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173462
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Don't You Think I Was Too Young To Be Messed With?

helloo(: my name is rachel. or rachel mae. whichever you wanna call me is fine. i'm 14 years young.  i'm weird, lovable, happy, though i can be bitchy at times. Michael is a boy who broke my heart. So, if you see anything about him... now you know. And even if he did break my heart, I still love him. I don't know why, but i still do, after all the things he's done to break me down. Let's get happy now(: Thank you so much for reading my quotes! Feel free to ask any questions in my comments and i'll answer them right away cause whenever i see comments on my profile, I become as happy as a face with a mustache. Yeeeup. Awkward. I follow backk, too. just saying(: oh, and i'm kinda obsessed w/ eminem<3 byee noww<3


The Girl In The Dress Wrote You A Song<3

Comments to ThisAintAFairytale

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if you have such A BIG problem then dont comment on my profile. it is that simple. kbye.
megLOVESsoccer32 1 decade ago
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haha cool i love taylor swift...her songs like practically describe my life