
Joined: September 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 217138
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Quotes by Trickaa

This is the last time I'm logging into this account. So could you guys do me a favor and follow my other and now main account, ImNeverGivingUp
I used to hate those preppy goody two shoes that everyone was friends with and had the nicest clothing, but now I am one.
Dear 'Someone',
How did you get so many top quotes?
Hmmmmm, I wonder.....:/

I was talking to my guy friend

And he said that girls look better with makeup.
I haven't left the house without it on since.


Quotes shouldn't be fancy to be faved.




Missing the door handle
And running into the door


People say, Hate, is a strong word, but they throw around Love,Like it's nothing.


Sometimes I wonder...

///Was I ever good enough?\\\\

But I already know that answer...


When I think of him...
My heart REALLY skips a beat<3