
Status: Funny quotes make me have Lolgasms :P
Joined: November 21, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 339367
Location: Somewhere cold...
Gender: F
My name is Kat and I live in da beautiful TASMANIA! I joined Witty becuase I love quotations! Especially funny ones, because everyone needs laughter in their lives and I aim to make people everywhere in the world have LOLgasms :P
I LOVE Harry Potter, Nicki Minaj, Cher Lloyd, MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC and the colour grey...yeah...uhm that it I guess.
Love Kat xx

Quotes by Unknown_user

Akwardky Akward Moments #1
When you're on your first date and your date hands you flowers but then you see a spider on them and they become mushed petals instead.