
Joined: August 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 202341
Oh, hey!
Well, I'm Kat. This is my SECOND story account. I guess I gave up on the first one. I'm all about fresh starts, Plus, it's my birthday as I'm typing this write now. So what better time to start fresh? I am 13 years young, as of midnight on August 13th(: My quote account is KatSaysRawrr. I don't advise you go there. I'm not very good at quotes... 
Anyway, I love writing. I simply love it. I've been making up stories since before i could write. My fabulous mother would write them down for me(: I still have some. 
I like a lot of things. I'm way to tired to tell you all of that now, but I do have time to tell you you're gorgeous. There is ALWAYS time for that. Everyone on this website is beautiful and fantastic. You girls complete me. <3

Quotes by WanderingTheWorld_x

Who Will Read a Story?
Fave it(: