
Joined: May 31, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 78094

Quotes by XMakeMeSmileX245


don't  post a picture&put the caption as "ewwww.."
it just
shows how much attention your craving.



On December 24, 2006 at 8 o'clock in the morning, a young 14 year old boy by the name of Scott Jackson was found dead. Doctors couldn't come up with the cause of his death. His mother checked his emails to see if she could figure out what happened. Turns out he was still signed into myspace. She found he had gone to sleep after he read and didnt repost a chain letter about a little girl that kills you in your sleep with no natrual cause of death.

This is the bulletin he read:
My name is Jaime Heras. I'm 14 years old. I'm a murderer. I have no face. When you look at me you'll die immediately.​​​You have 900 seconds to repost this or I will visit you tonight.
People always ask me, "How do you know when you loved someone?"
For me it's when everything reminds me of you in someway,
Or how when it rains I remember it's your favorite thing,
Or when our songs come on the radio I think of you,
Or maybe it's because when you said goodbye, it hurt more than anything has ever hurt.
For me I know I loved you, because you were the first person who took a piece of my heart with you when you left</3
And I hate the night because
it's then when I stare at my phone endlessly
and hope and pray it rings
with your name on the caller ID
and you say how much you miss me....
Are there more photos or music files on your computer?
♥ × » Music, derr.

Do you know anyone who drinks tea a lot?
♥ × » Haha, my friend Tori.

Say something about the band/artist you're listening to right now.
♥ × » I like her music(:

What is your favourite thing about the summer, besides the the no school thing?
♥ × » Doing whatever, whenever.

Was the last thing you drank flavoured?
♥ × » Diet Pepsi?

Do you prefer light-coloured eyes or dark-coloured eyes?
♥ × » Doesn't matter to me.

Who is the funniest person you know?
♥ × » My cuzz.

Do you have any money problems right now?
♥ × » Umm yeah, my parents are making me save it all for Cali.

Are you good at rhyming?
♥ × » Yupp.

What was the last thing you scribbled down on a piece of paper?
♥ × » I think I scribbled on the paper to see if the pen was working ;p

If you were a famous musician, would it annoy you to answer the same questions over and over again?
♥ × » No, cause hello! Different answer every time.

Is there an animal in the room with you right now?
♥ × » Nope, just my dad.

What is the nearest gas station called?
♥ × » Birminghams.

Do you have a certain strategy for which surveys you choose to take?

♥ × » No, but I love bright colors(:

Would you rather have a picnic at the park or on the beach?
♥ × » Park, to much sand at the beach.

Is your sexual orientation a big deal to some people?
♥ × » Umm if by that you mean if I was gay, which I am not, so no.

Who wakes up in the morning first in your house?

♥ × » My diddy.

Is your iTunes window open right now?
♥ × » Nope.

Do you hold yourself responsible for things you know you don't have to?

♥ × » No, hell that's my parents fault.

Are you similar to your sibling(s), personality-wise? How so?
♥ × » Haha no, I am loud and out there, and she is a quiet mouse.

What is the most recent season of your favourite TV show?
♥ × » Season #3

Do you watch amateur song covers on YouTube?
♥ × » Yupp.

Which band would you do anything to see in concert?
♥ × » The Maine, Jonas Brothers, and The Cab.

What book do you think would make a really good movie?

♥ × » The Book Of Luke.

Has someone ever told you that you didn't have a backbone? How did you react?
♥ × » No, no one dares to say that stuff to me.

Do you know who the members of your favourite band are dating?

♥ × » Umm yeah, but only for one band.

Would you more likely be given detention for goofing off in class or speaking back to a teacher?
♥ × » Goofing off.

What is the longest time you've gone without brushing your teeth?
♥ × » A day.

Are your parents still together? If so, how long have they been? If not, when did they separate?
♥ × » Yeah, 14 years.

Do your friends make sexual jokes often?
♥ × » Um yeah. There all perverted, ahha but I love them(:

What website were you on just before this one?
♥ × » Youtube, Meebo, and Xanga.

Would you rather live in a place where it rained all the time or a place where it was very humid all the time?
♥ × » Rain<3

Are there any songs that got you through tough times? Which one(s)?
♥ × » Too many to name, so many for different occasions.

Do you enjoy reading quotes from famous people?

♥ × » Only if I know the famous person.

Would you be interested in going to see a psychic?
♥ × » Yeah!

When was the last time you went to a drive-in theatre, if you've ever been to one?
♥ × » Never ): It's on my list of things to do before I die.

What is the most recent band you've started listening to?
♥ × » Theres a new band everyday for me.

How do you decide whether to subscribe to somebody's site or not?
♥ × » I don't.

Which Sims game is your favourite?
♥ × » I don't play them.

Is the auto-tune vocals craze awesome or annoying?
♥ × » What?

[made @ acoustic_survey]

Are you housebroken?
Take this survey to see how good your manners REALLY are!
[x] all that apply.
At the end, post with: I'm ___% Housebroken.

1. [] I never put my elbows on the table during mealtime.
2. [] Drinking after someone is unsanitary.
3. [x] I ALWAYS flush the toilet.
4. [x] I bathe every day.
5. [X] I hold the door for people entering a building behind me.
6. [x] I pray, even for my enemies.
7. [] Every reply from me to an adult includes 'ma'am' or 'sir'.
8. [] I chew with my mouth closed.
9. [] I dispose of gum the proper way: into the trashcan.
10. [] I raise my hand to speak in class.

11. [x] Guys should call the girls first.
12. [x] I've never been grounded.
13. [x] I say 'Excuse Me' after I burp.
14. [x] I've never smoked.
15. [x] I've never drank.
16. [x] I wash clothes in between each time I wear them.
17. [x] Deodorant is MANDATORY.
18. [x] After any kind of competition, I always congratulate my opponents for their triumphs.
19. [x] My parents spanked me as a child.

20. [] I got to church regularly.
21. [x] My school says the pledge daily.
22. [] After vomiting, I will clean up my own puke.
23. [] My car doors are ALWAYS locked.
24. [] I carry pepper-spray in my bag.
25. [] I take responsibility for my actions.
26. [] I only date potential material for marriage.
27. [x] I brush my teeth 2x or more daily.
28. [] I wear black to funerals as a sign of respect.
29. [x] I don't wear hats inside buildings.
30. [] Holey jeans are trashy.

31. [] Bra straps showing are not a good fashion exploit.
32. [x] My homework is turned in on time.
33. [] I do not skip school.
34. [x] I feed my pets.
35. [x] I help my family bring in the groceries after we've been shopping for them.
36. [] I'm all for helping a lil' old lady in need across the street.
37. [x] I have a curfew.
38. [x] Thongs are gross.
39. [x] I've never spit in someone else's drink/food.
40. [x] I know how to ride a bike.

41. [] I don't write notes in Study Hall.
42. [] I'm on the computer no longer than one hour most days.
43. [] Feet do not belong on the furniture.
44. [x] Pads/Tampons should always be disposed of properly.
45. [] I have 'family time' atleast once a week.
46. [x] I don't text in the middle of class.
47. [x] I'm feeling positively at how this survey will turn out.
48. [] I try not to interrupt when others are talking.
49. [] I make my bed daily.

multiply answer by two
I'm 56% Housebroken.

[created by Paige at PeacexOfxMe_originalsurveys PLEASE do not remove]

1 Are you a born leader?

2 Have you had a "nasty break up"?
Umm kinda.

3 Is being a paparazzi cool job?

4 Do you know where to look when someone says "2 o'clock", "9 o'clock", etc.?
Haha, no.

5 Do you like writing random stuff on your hand when school's getting boring?
All the time.

6 Have you watched a hentai before? Do you even know what that is?

7 What's your favorite color combination?
Yellow, Pink, and Orange.

8 Do you memorize both of your parents' phone numbers?

9 Ever experienced sleep walking?
Nope, but I have been told I play games in my sleep. Like the game "Banana", when you see a yellow car you call "BANANA"! and I guess I yelled it in my sleep and pointed at my window and started laughing at my friend and told her she was losing.

10 How do you handle it when your significant other does/ says something awkward?
I just laugh.

11 Name one flick that made you cry.
Martin Child ):

12 Do you like sleeping just wearing your underwear and a top?
I guess, if it's really hot out.

13 Is Megan Fox hot?

14 If someone tells you you're childish, do you get offended? 

15 Is there any difference between a novel and a book?
I think so....right?

16 Give one significant date in your life.
8/1/09 (coming soonnn(:

17 Why is it significant?
Because I am going to California baby!

18 "Nobody puts baby in the corner."--do you know which movie this line came from?

19 Do you see the point in purity rings?

20 Do you know how to stalk without being creepy?

&Ever since you told me how you felt;
it hasn't been the same;
no more talking every day for 3 consecutive hours;
no more saying NIGHT!;
and it may seem stupid;
but last night, I didn't sleep because I knew things were different...
I miss

Dumb Blonde Test!

1 [x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking
2 [x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking
3 [x] You have ran into a glass/screen door
4 [ ] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle
5 [x] You have thought of something funny and laughed,then people gave you weird looks
6 [] You have ran into a tree
7 [x] It is possible to lick your elbow
8 [x] You tried to lick your elbow after you read this
9 [x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm
10 [x] You just tried to sing them
11 [x] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen
12 [x] You have choked on your own spit
13 [x] You have seen the the Matrix and still don't get it. 
14 [x] You didn't notice that in the last question 'the' was spelled twice
15 [x] You just looked at it
16 [x] Your hair is blonde/dirty blonde
17 [x] A LOT of People have called you slow
18 [] You have accidentally caught something on fire
19 [x] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went somewhere else on your face
20 [x] You have caught yourself drooling
21 [x] You've fallen asleep in class
22 [x] Sometimes you just stop thinking
23 [x] You are telling a story and forget what you were talking about
24 [x] People are often shaking their heads at you and walk away from you     
25 [x]You are often told to use your 'inside voice'
26 [x] You use your fingers to do simple math
27 [] You have eaten a bug
28 [x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something important.
29 [x] You have put your clothes on backwards or insideout, and didn't realize it
30 [x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand or pocket
31 [x] You sometimes post bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't even when you know it won't happen to you, like on a myspace...
32 [] You break a lot of things
33 [x] Your friends know not to use big words around you
34 [x] You tilt your head when you're confusedd
35 [x] You have fallenout of your chair before
36 [x]When you're laying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture of the
37 [x] The word 'umm' is used many times a day
38 [x] You called a friend and then completely forgot what you were gonna say
39 [x] You have spelled your name wrong
40 [x] You have packed to go somewhere and totally forgot the most important thing