
Joined: December 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 248992
heyyyya! itss KayLa fromm "PastIsPast" <---- FOLLOW ME(; when u follow me i follow backk(;
WELLL thiss witty is for "Dear Diary's" and i pretend its my diary(; my other witty is "PastIsPast" and they are actually quotes[=
IMMMA: creative little gurl who speaks her mind, mite not be the best thoughtts, but i dont lie when it comes to friendship<3 PLEASSEE read the diary entry's.. yes they r lonngg, but sometimes they are actually good(; andd yeaa FavV myy QuOTEzz<33 FollOw meeH<33

Quotes by XXdearXXdiaryXX


Dear Diary,
i think you need a name, cause im telling you everything thats going on, so it should be diary. its time to gett funkeeh! <3 umm i think ill call you BOB.
good day BOB, ttyl(;


Dear Diary,
today was such a fun day at school! me and my two friends, michelle and kiera got to do STATS for basketball. we went to East Hanover, my frist away gamee. i learned sooo much, and my friend kevin helped me out(: on the bus ride home it was too fun, i sat with my bestest friend in the hole entire world, Nic<3 5 minutes after we left, there were about 8 boys calling my name and it got really annoying(; then, this kid Aaron purposed to me, and instead of a ring, i got a iPhone<3 THEN this guy Syrus was flirting with me soo much;) it was sooo cute! he started touching my arm, and tryed to hold my hand, it was a fail at first. and i had to teach him how to hold a girls hand<3 so now me and Syrus both like eachother and i dont nkow what to do(:
Talk to u tomorrow Diary(;