Joined: August 14, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 86252
Heeeeeey wiittt heads =]
im Chelsiee.
Im about 489678 yearss oldd and my birthdaays April 17th <3
Im taken by thee mosst greatest guy out theree: Julio Estevez
Im a cheerleaderrrr
Im different
Ilovee chucksss and skinnnysss.
i love laughinqq, jumpinqq and chillinqq.
im from ecuador and peru.
Tu Tus,vests, high socks, and eyeliner
Music is lovee
textinqqqq is addiction
i love tahty lazo : iloveyoubabyx (wittyprofile)
qoutess are the shitttt.
i hate lyers, backstabbers, hoess, mean girlss.. ect.
i can be mean soemtimes
dont walk over me
i love to have fun
schools iightt.
west babylon
anything else?
myspace: playa46@google.com
ask fer thee cell numberrrr

Quote Comments by X____BAMF

X____BAMF 1 decade ago on quote #1017518
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if nobody understands, im sorry for the inconvenience, this qoute simply means He lied and She believed..
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