
Joined: December 28, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 142488
Oh hey there gorgeous(:

hii i'm cassie, 14 years young, I love music, it's my life and without it, I would die. xD I fry my hair between two metal plates everyday. I'm a dirtbiker at heart.<3 I like acting like a ninja! :D hahah I have an obsession with pandas! I'm a cheerleading captain. Hot Topic is my favorite store in this world.<3 And I love laughing.(: I had an old wittyprofiles account but decided to make a new one.               

I love Andy Sixx and Ronnie Radke<3 I love and listen to way to many bands!

youtube account is cassie3133 (:

Quotes by XcassiesixxX

just ask me out already(:
fave if you love hugs from your guy friends :D
without music, i would die.(:
Whenever I hear someone say his name, I think of him. Whenever I see his name somewhere, I think of him. I can not go a day without thinking about him, it's just not possible. I think I'm in love with him. <3
Mirrors can't talk, and lucky for you they can't laugh.

funniest thing my friend has ever said<3
I did not hit you... I simply high-fived your face(:
I Love Your Eyes<3
I was looking up at the stars...and giving each a reason why I Love You....and I was doing great until I ran out of stars. (:
I want a guy who saves my texts just to look at when he misses me, or who will risk being cold to put his coat around me, or who will hold my hand all through the night and never let me go, I want a guy who wants a girl like me.<3
I'm jealous of every girl thats ever hugged him, because for that short second, she held my entire world.<3

^^^favorite quote ever(: