
Joined: August 16, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 12841
* idk what to put in this thing!!

Quotes by XdayDream

.·´¨`·»They Say We're Worth A Million Bucks
We Say.. "That's It?"

Xø*i LuV Mah BoYz..WhY WouLdNt i?*ºx|xº
ºx|xº*i'D DiE 4 mY GrRrLz..HoW CouLdNt i?*øX

- - -> im me t luckycharms03k
u can`t dodge tha rain-
but u can follow tha drips...
in _every drop of rain that falls
has a drop of pain involved-
tHe OnLy WaY tO nOt GeT hUrT
iS tO nOt GiVe A fUqQ./
[wait] for that guy who will be your
| b e s t . f r i e n d | & wh0 wantz t0 sh0w
y0u 0ff 2 thE w0rLd .EvEn. when your [in]
(sWeAt pAnTz, a hO0diEe,& n0 mAkeUp)
( . YoU juSt hAvE . )
( . tO LeArN tO fOrGet . )
( . AbOuT tHe PeOPlE . )
( . WhO fOrGot BoUt YoU . )
If there's a way that you* could .
be » [ everything you want to be ]
Would you complain that it came |[too easy]|?

im - - > luckycharms03k
- I've got my o w n -
I ain't looking for a YeLlOw brick road
- I'm just gonna go my own way..

xo - - -> im luckycharms03k