
Joined: July 6, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 26527
i know .. the quotes are gay .. but i didn't make all of them .. so yeah. i.m me if you pleasee. THE SONG BY THE SUBWAYS SHOULD BE YOU ARE -THE- ONLY ONE .. NOT MY ONLY ONE .. STUPID MISTAKE !

Quotes by XinToOdeEpx3

you are the sun
you are my only one
you are so cool
you are so rock and roll.

the subways--rock and roll queen
yeah my babys pretty as a car crash
subtle as a splinter yeah my babys
smooth as sandpaper ;; warm just like
the winter;; singing catch me if you can
with a cigarette in hand and its love <3
its heavy and it hurts and its love <333

modern swinger -- PiNK SPiDERS <33333
wanting you so;;
bad is a problem
that i have <333

c'mon baby -- wakefield
step one you say we need to <3
talk he walks you say sit down
its just a talk he smiles <333
politely back at you you stare
politely right on through ....

how to save a life -- the fray

do you think your cool ?
do yo think your fly ?
do you think your mr. tough guy ?
well,i have something to say ..
you don't treat girls that way !
your immature and really gay
he doesn't realize she is gone ..

because .. he never even realized she was there




 sorry .. if it came out messed up .. i tried ! .. 
there are so many fancy awaymessages out there .. that all mean the same thing .. I LOVE YOU .. i mean sure they are cute .. but if you want to tell someone how much you really do care about them .. why don't you just get right to the point and say it the easy way .. I LOVE YOU !
there are so many fancy awaymessages out there .. that all mean the same thing .. I LOVE YOU .. i mean sure they are cute .. but if you want to tell someone how much you really do care about them .. why don't you just get right to the point and say it the easy way .. I LOVE YOU ! .. and you should get a simple answer right back at you ..
red -- you go to my head

yellow -- you are so sunny and mellow

green -- you are my chocolate beauty queen

blue -- i'm wild about you

orange -- wait .. nothing rhymes with ornage [ i still get paid right ]

chocolate is better in color !!!