Joined: August 27, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 87623

mallory is my name. it shuldn't be too hard to remember :P if you hung out w/me, you wouldn't forget my name. i'm one to stand out in the crowd &do whatever. i'm messy, and not perfect. well neither are you. ;P i'm not all that girly, &i'm not manly. aha, i'm mee. deal w/ittt<33 i like sports ;] you may ask for the digits, but don't be sure you'll get them :P AIM's above.

Quotes by XoMaLLoRyXo

heey, sorry i haven't been on in awhile. for those of you who wanted advice or something.
i'm guna try to get on here more & i'll still give you advice if you need it(:
just comment my profile. thaanks P: 
put the chocolate in the bag & nobody gets hurt
do i have to spell it out?
or scream it in your face?
the chemistry between us
could destroy this place.
They say when penguins find their mate,
They stay together for the rest of their lives.
i love you

The way you make me feel is like ;
the feeling you get when you hear your favorite childhood song on the radio for the first time in years, you turn it up and feel so alive. Or laying in bed watching a snow storm, knowing you don’t have to get up for hours and get just lay in the warmth of your comforters for hours. Its the way your stomache flip flops during your first true kiss, or how your body feels when you take off in an airplane for the first time. Or when you drive around in the front seat of car who belongs to the boy you like, and even though you should feel scared beyond control because he's driving so fast and stupid, yet you feel so safe and alive.

Yeah ; that feeling.

and one day, he's going to see your new
boyfriend's hands around your waist, he's
going to look at you and think to himself,
"i was so stupid. i had the world and let her go."
so don't cry over at stupid boy, darling, because
they're always comes another; another to make
everything the other one broke ... better.
When you said you were letting me go and that you didn't love me anymore, it felt like a fresh cut down the middle of my heart.
I was devastated soo it felt like blood was rushing through my whole entire body. Sooner or later, the blood stopped.
I still wasn't over you. The cut formed a scab and still felt like heartbreak at some times.
The scab soon went away and left a scar. The pain went away and only left
Bet ya thought that i'd be broken.
Mascara streakin' down my cheek.
Devastated, out the door way;
In a daze, a state of disbelief.
I bet you liked that; seeing me get mad.
but, baby i wont satisfy your need.
i've already been there, done that.
I'll be fine, even if you leave.
whatever/whoever you miss,
realize they never went anywhere