
Joined: July 3, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 10797
my name`s katie...witty profiles is like my fav0rite site..anyway`s let`s get t0o the inf0 name: katie..duh ^ l0cati0n: yeah right..i`m n0t g0nna tell ya dat age: n0pe birthday: july 14th..y did y0u need ta kn0w dat?? z0diac sign: cancer..wutz up with these questi0ns..?? this 0r that pepsi/c0la: c0la is 0kay..ii like pepsi WAYY better DVD/VCR: DVD because y0u can watch the m0vie clearer Summer/Winter: SUMMER! ii hate c0ld weather. BURR! l0l Fall/Spring: uh..spring..ii guess..cuz 0f spring break and all.. C0l0r blue/red: da c0l0r blue! red is waYyYyYy t0o bright..blue is s0o k0ol! did y0u kn0w that`s my fav0rite c0lor?? l0l h0ckey/basketball: Basketball..because ii never watch h0ckey 0n tv..basketball is m0re funner anywayz.. baseball/v0lleyball: v0lleyball! OMG..v0lleyball is da bestest sp0rt ever! hahaha Jungle/F0rest: F0rest because there`s animals in the jungle and they might eat me..

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