
Joined: July 12, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 82598

This is my story account. 
I do have a quote account.
if you want to know it, just ask.
I hope you like them(:
Comment,favorite and follow!

(Oh and please, i need help with a title! If you can help me just comment the name of the title, thank you!)

Quotes by Xoxorawrxoxo97

Life After Me
Chapter One: They Day It Happened

Something many people fear, and yet, its something many people want. 
We stare death in the face everyday, whether its at home,work, or in my case, on a walk.
For me, living wasn't an option. 
If i could choose how my fate turned out, i would. 
But I can't. 
No one can.
The afternoon that I died was just normal.
Nothing suspicious,just a hot August afternoon.
The sun was beating down on my back as i walked down my driveway into the road. 
I was walking to the park. I was supposed to meet my friend Kaylee there so we could hang out.
When I didn't show up, she called my house to see if i had left.
My parents told her I did.
Getting worried, my mom tried calling my cell phone.
No answer.
My dad took the car and searched all around town.
He came home with nothing.
Frantic at this point, my mom called the police.
They said to wait untill morning to see if I would show up.
They just figured I had run off with a boyfriend or a friend just to cause trouble.
They were wrong.
VERY wrong.
A week and a half later,my parents would find out why.

(Pleaseee give me feed back about what you think! Click the heart if you like it and think i should keep going! THANK YOU!(:

chapter 3;
My ex-_-

After the show, people i didnt even know came up to me with congratulations. A few even said that i deserved first place.
I said my thanks and left with Will by my side. 
We walked to the ice cream shack and bought ice cream.
"You did rreally good. i think you should've won over her." said Will.
"Thanks" i said smilling.
"So you wanna come over and watch a movie after?" He asked.
"Of course, i'd love to" i exclaimed.
"...No she wouldn't."
A grizzly voice behind me came out of nowere.
I turned around to find my ex-boyfriend, Jared.
He never could let go of me.
After i broke up with him, he couldn't get over me.
he would call me, text me, and even follow me.
I could never keep a boyfriend after him because of what he did.
"Go. Away Jared." I said angrily.
"Seriously Jared, doesn't it ever get old?" Asked Will.
"Of course not. I love my wittle Evangawinee" he said, like a was some kind of toy.
"Please Jared. Leave"
"Oh why, so you can cheat on me with THIS kid?" jared exclaimed.
"Were NOT going out! I broke up with you for a reason! Your a minipulative, controlling freak! LEave. Me. Alone!" I screamed.
Everyone in the restaurant looked at me.
"PLease leave.." i said, trying to control my anger now.
jared wasnt one to take orders.
he was big,scary and wasn't the kind of guy youd like to hang out with.
why i went otu with him, im not sure,
"Come on Jared, just let her be." Said Will.
"Oh look whos tough now!"yelled Jared.
"Be quiet!" i said.
As soon as Jared moved in to hit Will, the manager walked out.
"Is there a problem here?" He asked suspiciously.
"Oh no, were just leaving."  i said, grabbing Wills hand and rushing out of the restauraunt.
"Whatever.."said Jared, and he walked out.


I need ideas!
so im currently writing a story.
If you'd like ot read it its on my profile.
but this story doesnt have a title.
and i need a name for it, SO.
If you read it and have ideas for a title please comment them on my profile (not the quote)
And also if you can give me feedback on what you think i can do better, what i should add or take out. or what you just liked or hated about the story in general. thank you!♥


chapter 2;

As we sat, hand in hand in the audience, our teacher walked up on stage to announce the winner of the talent show. 
"Well, what great performances we've had tonight. you know it reminds me of when I was younger..."
The audience groaned.
She always had to put in her "when i was younger" stories.
Ten minutes passed before she began to announce the winner.
"...And so in 3rd place, with her magical performance, Lily carlson!"
Lily walked up on stage, collected her trophy and walked back off.
I was always jealous of Lily.
The way her shiny black hair flowed down her back, oh so carelessly.
Her mysterious blue eyes.
And she was georgous. 
All the guys always wanted her.
But she was more of my type, the keep-to-herself kind of person.
Im surprised she even entered in the talen show.
"In second place, with the voice of an Angel, Evangaline Marie!"
Wow..i thought to myself. Does she mean me?
"Go on" exclaimed Will.
I got up and walked on stage.
I was so shocked.
..And soo happy.
People were finally beginning to notice me.
I wasn't just Evangaline, the boring, outcast.
I was Evangaline,the girl with the voice of an angel.
As I walked off stage, people were clapping and cheering.
I felt a huge smile cross my face as i sat back down.
"Great Job, Evan" said Will, with his beautiful smile shineing at me.
"Thanks" I said, smiling back.
"...And in first place, with more talent then I've ever seen before, Ashley Smith!"
Ashley Smith.
It had to be her.
I hated her, with a burning passion.
It all started in 3 years ago in 5th grade.
It was lunch.
She had a new white dress on.
I had fruit punch for my drink.
And i think you can guess the rest.
She screamed so loud i swear people on the moon could hear her. 
I apologized telling her over and over..."It was an accident! I swear!"
But no. She wouldn't forgive me.
"Your just jealous Evangaline! You always have been! And now you ruin my new dress! I can't believe you!"
And thats where our friendship ended.
Over a stupid dress.
"I'd just like to thank my mom and my da-"
"Okay, okay. This isn't the Grammy's Ashley, please sit down"
"Well then.." Ashley said coldly.
I thought for once I could beat her. For once in my life I could be better then AShley at something. But no.
Ashley turned out to be the average snob.
The ones that you see in the movies.
Georgous blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and supermodel skinny.
i've always been living in her shadow.
I'm always. Second. Best.


chapter 1;
part 2
the beginning.

I met Will in 6th grade. 
It was like love at first sight.
We became best friends, and as our friendship grew, so did my love for him.
Im a reject, a loser, an outcast. 
Wills handsome, outgoing and popular.
He always knew what to say, and me being awkward and shy, didn't.
A lot of people don't understand how we became friends, and how we still are.
but I'm grateful for what we have and I won't let anyone stand in the way of that. 
"You were amazing up there" said Will.
"Thanks" I said
I turned around and began to walk away when he grabbed my shoulder.
"Can I ask you something?" he asked.
I froze.
"Uh,sure. Whats up?"
"I've been thinking...we've been friends for awhile...Best friends...and theres something I've been hiding from you."
"Oh..well what is it?" I asked.
"...I don't really know how to tell you this..but i thought i'd tell you now since you know..its the last week of school and theresa not much time left."
"Go on" I said.
"Well...I think...I kinda like you Evan..."
Speechless. i was speechless.
This is what i wanted to hear all my life, what I've re-played over and over in my head. Differant scenarios of when and where it would happen and all the differant things i would say. and now...im speechless.
"..Its okay if you don't feel the same way..im sor-"
"No. No i do...I do feel the same way...ever since we met actually haha."
"Oh,good" He said smiling, and kissed my cheek.
At that moment he grabbed my hand and we walked through the back stage doors and into the audience together. 
A perfect performance and the love of my life admitting he likes me too?
I couldn't ask for anything more.


chapter 1;
the beginning.

I heard a voice behind me ask.
I turned around to find him looking at me.
His georgous sea green eyes looking into mine.
"N-not really.." i answered wearily.
"Good luck beautiful"  he said, as he flashed one of his award winning smiles and walked away.
Boy, did he know how to makea girls day.
As i stepped on stage, i looked out towards the crowd.
Tonight was the night, to show everyone that i wasn't just boring old Evangaline; that i was so much more.
I stepped up to the mic and waited for the music to start.
As it did, i waited for my entrance. 
And then i began to sing.
When i was done, the crowd stood up and cheered.
There it was, what i've always been wanting,always been dreaming of.
People noticed me.
I smiled, bowed and left the stage.
Even as I was walking off I still heard the cheers.
"Good job" 
There it was again, his smooth voice, making me melt in my shoes. 
"Thank you" I said as I turned to look at him.
His name was Will.
And I loved him with all. my. heart.


Today, an 11 year old boy hung himself. He was bullied. NO ONE deserves to die because of words said by someone else. Bullying is a terrible thing. PLease, if you see someone getting bullied, stop it. If your getting bullied, tell someone. If you are the bully, save a life and quit. Theres no reason for bullying. If making fun of someone is your entertainment, thats just sick. What has society come to..r.i.p, Remembered forever and always<3

Breaking hearts is what you do, you dont stop cause you have no

clue, mascara runs and so do you, i cant believe it, what

happened to you? </3

MLIB- My Life Is Blonde [:

Hey, do you hear that?

Its the worlds smallest violin[: